
Mini-Demo Contest

Started by January 15, 2003 12:32 PM
106 comments, last by _DarkWIng_ 22 years, 1 month ago
Original post by gregs
As DarkWing says - I got SDL down to less than 80K with UPX.

How exactly did you do that? I can''t run upx on any *.so files ''cause upx says they aren''t executables.
I dont know, I have never used UPX.

Anyways, hopefully I can get some sort of demo done. (I can only draw a cube that is screwed up, half of the cube is backfaces!) Does anyone know how to change the viewing angle of the camera, and how far it can see? I tried gluPerspective, and glFrustrum, but they didnt work.
That was the SDl DLL. I thought .so files were only on linux?
Original post by gregs
That was the SDl DLL. I thought .so files were only on linux?

So I can''t compress SDL in linux?
AFAIK you can''t compress unix library files and then dynamically link them. I suppose you could make an sdl.a and statically link it, then compress the resulting executable, but I have never tried it.
mmx87: I think there''s a function gluLookAt() or something similar, that would require glut though. I can''t test it right now(not at my main comp)... Hope this helps.

mmx87 : you have 3 choices:
-glRotate & glTranslate
-glMultMatrix / glLoadMatrix (best?)

OK, my demo is about finished. I just have to add some fancy sliding quotes.. And figure out what to do with extra 120k... Is there any limit on the size of source code? Should I throw out the unused parts of the engine to reduce it?

edit : typos

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

[edited by - _DarkWIng_ on January 26, 2003 6:11:35 AM]
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
Thanks, AllegroGL supports GLut, so I can use gluLookAt();.

I will test it tomorrow, to tired tonight to do it!
is c# entry allowed?
.net framework take''s ~20mb but that isn''t counted for exe size?
mono take''s less but it''s still over the entry limit.

ps.anyone done any c# opengl programming?
i haven''t found any faster speed''s by using c/c++ rather than c#

I'm working on something myself...played this game called Star X for GBA, and I got an idea...

I'm sticking to BMP textures...and I've used some coding from this game I'm making...MD2 model loading

It's BY friday right?

Oh, and here's a screenshot of's actually starting to look like the other game I'm planning...

[edited by - MaxxJag on January 28, 2003 1:45:19 AM]

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