Mini-Demo Contest
I''ve spend all time until now working on effects to my texturegenerator. I think I better get on with some scenes =)
heh, I doubt I''ll get anything done, I''ve had so little time recently. I''ll just need to press on and do the best I can. :/
500 x 3
500 x 3
I dont think I can enter the contest....using Allegro, that is. Allegro itself is about 2.3 megs, and AllegroGL is about 300k, so I guess that overly exceeds the 500k limit
. Well, if I can''t use allegro, then I wont try to enter the demo at all. *sigh*

Well, I did try to cut down the size of allegro, but I could only get it to 820K, and that is zipped up. Guess I still cant enter
Well, now that I read this post again, one person that the size limit is on the actual compiled program and the textures and what not, not the source/library code. Is that true?
[edited by - mmx87 on January 23, 2003 5:44:34 PM]

Well, now that I read this post again, one person that the size limit is on the actual compiled program and the textures and what not, not the source/library code. Is that true?
[edited by - mmx87 on January 23, 2003 5:44:34 PM]
The way I read it is that the 500k limit is for:
Compiled .exe
Library files (.dll''s etc - but not OpenGL32.dll)
Any other run-time files (eg data)
But it does NOT compromise of the source code.
So basically anything that the program needs to run on its own should be < 500k.
Im using glut32.dll which is 216k which leaves me with 284k to play with for the .exe, the music, the textures.
Compiled .exe
Library files (.dll''s etc - but not OpenGL32.dll)
Any other run-time files (eg data)
But it does NOT compromise of the source code.
So basically anything that the program needs to run on its own should be < 500k.
Im using glut32.dll which is 216k which leaves me with 284k to play with for the .exe, the music, the textures.
-wolfmanThe End is only the Beginning of the End
My main concern is SDL: I use it. In everything. I have some stuff I''d like to do, but I can''t include SDL in the source, because it''s so big. Ergh.
I''ve same kind of problem since I''m using Devil (OpenIL) for texture loading which is 268ko ...
It seems that we are quite a lot being "blocked" by this kind of problem. I think the contest would be more populated if those kind of "public" utility DLL were not taken into account in the size limit.
It seems that we are quite a lot being "blocked" by this kind of problem. I think the contest would be more populated if those kind of "public" utility DLL were not taken into account in the size limit.
Thats the problem with basing most of your code on other dlls. You always find yourself relying on that library. I learnt that the hard way - i was too adicted to using direct x to do everything except graphics (OGL). Idealy, code should run on its own and have an interface to whatever other code you need so you can easily switch libraries (easier said than done
So far everything was going smothly until recently. I just started the artificial intelligence for my fish and its my first time writing an ANN. Im also feeling like im opening a pandora''s box of code (you know when all you code starts to just merge into one soup the more you write and errors are rampant) as i write this thing. One thing ill definately have to do before i submit this thing is comment properly - even i forget whats going on in this ANN because of how criptic ive written it - gotta keep reminding myself to comment on why i do something and not whats going on. I also have a bad habbit of trying to do too much on the intitial design - thats why i dont have too many demos - i usually get fed up of trying to find the many bugs in an initial complex design, which would have been easily found in a simple design.
Anyway, thanks for letting me waste a few minutes of your time. Hope you dont have the same habbits i do...they are the kind that can easily end a project in it''s prime.

So far everything was going smothly until recently. I just started the artificial intelligence for my fish and its my first time writing an ANN. Im also feeling like im opening a pandora''s box of code (you know when all you code starts to just merge into one soup the more you write and errors are rampant) as i write this thing. One thing ill definately have to do before i submit this thing is comment properly - even i forget whats going on in this ANN because of how criptic ive written it - gotta keep reminding myself to comment on why i do something and not whats going on. I also have a bad habbit of trying to do too much on the intitial design - thats why i dont have too many demos - i usually get fed up of trying to find the many bugs in an initial complex design, which would have been easily found in a simple design.
Anyway, thanks for letting me waste a few minutes of your time. Hope you dont have the same habbits i do...they are the kind that can easily end a project in it''s prime.
Original post by skjinedmjeet
My main concern is SDL: I use it. In everything . I have some stuff I''d like to do, but I can''t include SDL in the source, because it''s so big. Ergh.
Isn''t the runtime-library just 405kb and that''s what counts.
Once again. Use UPX ( It works on both exe and dll-s.
Wolfman : glut32.dll can be compressed to 85k with UPX
PS : here''s a little screenshot of what i got finaly working again.. 380k of demo so far...
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
Wolfman : glut32.dll can be compressed to 85k with UPX
PS : here''s a little screenshot of what i got finaly working again.. 380k of demo so far...
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
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