
Mini-Demo Contest

Started by January 15, 2003 12:32 PM
106 comments, last by _DarkWIng_ 22 years, 1 month ago
One little hint to reduce demo size : UPX

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
Fmod only takes up 125 k.
I allready made my demo with fmod + an old impulse tracker tune + a couple of textures + a few objects + all the the cool fire FX the processor can take at only 459k
FMod also has a "light" version i think.

Here''s another idea to reduce size -> use NeHe''s IPicture to download your textures during runtime.

"Free advice is seldom cheap."
-- Rule of Acquisition #59
Hi, well I see on NeHe''s site that he says so far only 5 people have mentioned entering the contest and wants to know if anyone else will. I want to very much..... actually I am really looking forward to entering a contest but I am 1 month new with openGL and 2 weeks notice- well, I can enter something laughable...perhaps I will just for the heck of it. But please keep offering contests because I do want to do some- gives me a goal and a deadline- if you know what I mean.


Nehe mentionned menu which I don''t know how to do in OpenGL. I can only do text menu running on DOS. . BTW, to allow demo to stop, is that mean to use time.h?
To do a menu all you really have to do is play around with the many tutorials on doing text in OpenGL. You can also modify the NeHeGL basecode 2 and modify the part where you select the resolution (this requires a little MFC but i recomend it over the previous method - its cleaner).

As for time.h (im not too sure which file your''re refering to...but ill assume it has some timing functions), you should really look at whats going on in time.h and figure out if thats what you need for your demo. If all you need is the difference in time between frames a simple call to gettickcount() or something might be better and easier.

The general idea is that the demo should require no interaction from the user and should demonstrate effects for at least one minute. If you are going to do an animation then you probably need timing (if you are writing any demo you idealy should update based on frame rate). But if you''re doing something like generating a fractal then timing is not going to be too important.
I'm going to enter, although I haven't quite come up with an idea, yet... But I'm thinking of using a particle engine that I'm currently making, and just generate a hell of a lot of cool effects! I entered the last Halloween contest, and it was alot of fun, even though I didn't know all that much when I entered, I still managed to put together a demo. Even though you don't think you have a chance, or you think you don't know alot, give it a try! It's alot of fun!

[edited by - James Trotter on January 17, 2003 8:31:22 AM]
OK, I'll need someone with GF1/2, someone with GF3/4 and someone with radeon 7500+ for testimg my demo framework. First recived emails will be selected.

edit : I just need someone with ATI Radeon now.
edit2 : I radeon person found.

You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.

[edited by - _DarkWIng_ on January 17, 2003 1:30:29 PM]

[edited by - _DarkWIng_ on January 17, 2003 3:16:54 PM]
You should never let your fears become the boundaries of your dreams.
Well sorry for making a negative kinda post, but I think that such a wonderful price should have a "better" competion behind it. I don''t mean that all the mini-demos will be bad, since Darkwing is entering at least 1 will be extremeley wonderful. I just think that if it will be a bigger demo competition later (LOTR: TTT or something) that truely magnificient price would be more fitting. I think that since this is the first small (though probably not easiest) competion it should be the first one where its just a competion for the joy of coding and the glory of winning. Just my thoughts, I wouldn''t mind winning the DVD (as if I would) but i just think it''s more suitable in a larger competion. Btw, I plan on entering, but I dunno how everything works out in school etcetera, and I''ve never done a demo before, but I''ll give it my best.

HUGE thanks to NeHe for keeping these contests alive, even though I''ve never entered I''ve always enjoyed watching them!


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