Game of the time... and never got good audience/sales (sigh...)
For people who like SimCity and similar games, I think Transport Tycoon was undersold in that area. I can''t really think of anything else, I haven''t played too many games. Just a few that I like.
"If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music he hears, however measured or far away"--Henry David Thoreau
None of my fav. games that didn''t do well were on the PC, but for the playstation, these are the two that sold not very well in the US: Wild Arms and Xenogears.
3D Math- The type of mathematics that'll put hair on your chest!
Actually, to correct, Transport Tycoon sold well above the average, and this is the reason why they created also Deluxe version (with stupid "additional sceneries", including candlyland and so on... Terrible 
I have to say that I don''t understand why Transport Tycoon sold worse than Rollercoaster Tycoon... maybe because of the theme?

I have to say that I don''t understand why Transport Tycoon sold worse than Rollercoaster Tycoon... maybe because of the theme?
May 05, 2000 04:46 PM
T-Mek was an arcade machine developed by Atari either just before or just after the name changed to Time Warner Interactive.
It featured a rather underpowered cpu and a doom-style engine. (it''s a tank arena combat game) It shipped in two man sit-down modules, three of which could be linked to provide 6-man deathmatches.
It had excellent sound and awesome gameplay.
It got killed by sega and namco because it wasn''t 3d and it took up too much space and cost too much.
If you never played it, you missed a classic.
It featured a rather underpowered cpu and a doom-style engine. (it''s a tank arena combat game) It shipped in two man sit-down modules, three of which could be linked to provide 6-man deathmatches.
It had excellent sound and awesome gameplay.
It got killed by sega and namco because it wasn''t 3d and it took up too much space and cost too much.
If you never played it, you missed a classic.
Z by the Bitmap Brothers is a very, very high-quality game
(ok, network''s a bit bugged) and it was at the time
the coolest RTS you could get according to me.
But the PC games mags didn''t think much of it and the result?
Bad sales. A pity.
(ok, network''s a bit bugged) and it was at the time
the coolest RTS you could get according to me.
But the PC games mags didn''t think much of it and the result?
Bad sales. A pity.
I think ''Azraels Tear'' fits in the categoty. Althought maybe not the greatest game of all times, it was still a better game than the lousy sales it got (at leats here in Denmark).
Its a first-person 3D adventure with a little added action (shooting). The engine is kind of wierd, nothing like any other game I''ve seen, very dark and moody.
You play a hi-tech thief who have dumped into some old underground temple where a group of temple-knight have setteled to protect something called the ''grailstone''. The grailstone have given the knights eternal life but also tweaked their mind and mutated their bodies so most of them had gone quite mad over the centuries.
To retrieve the grailstone you must solve a lot of puzzles involving old traps and machinery and avoid some of the more unpleasent inhabitants of the temple.
I think ''Azraels Tear'' fits in the categoty. Althought maybe not the greatest game of all times, it was still a better game than the lousy sales it got (at leats here in Denmark).
Its a first-person 3D adventure with a little added action (shooting). The engine is kind of wierd, nothing like any other game I''ve seen, very dark and moody.
You play a hi-tech thief who have dumped into some old underground temple where a group of temple-knight have setteled to protect something called the ''grailstone''. The grailstone have given the knights eternal life but also tweaked their mind and mutated their bodies so most of them had gone quite mad over the centuries.
To retrieve the grailstone you must solve a lot of puzzles involving old traps and machinery and avoid some of the more unpleasent inhabitants of the temple.
I''ll throw my vote before the Neverhood and Skullmoneys, but even more so was...
Panzer Dragoon Saga.
This game was the only good thing ever on the Saturn. Everything pales in comparison. FFVIII was such a dissappointment after this game, and it made FFVII a lot less cool. This game makes me want to round up every existing copy and loan them out to people who have never played it.
IF you''ve ever played an RPG and liked it
Panzer Dragoon Saga.
This game was the only good thing ever on the Saturn. Everything pales in comparison. FFVIII was such a dissappointment after this game, and it made FFVII a lot less cool. This game makes me want to round up every existing copy and loan them out to people who have never played it.
IF you''ve ever played an RPG and liked it
======"The unexamined life is not worth living."-Socrates"Question everything. Especially Landfish."-Matt
I think that for playstation, two games that did not do so well were Saga Frontier and Xenogears. I think people were turned of because the characters were more pixily, but in terms of gameplay, they were great(although saga frontier can be a bit repetitive.) I think that in terms of plot progression, Square out did themselves in Xenogears and i think it by far surpasses that of FFVIII and rivals FFVII.
just a thought.
just a thought.
For Landfish: ??????
Strange, and I thought that Saturn had lots of great games!
Panzer Dragoon Saga was actually really good, but it absolutely wasn''t only good game for Saturn :D
The list is big: Sonic R, Virtua Fighter 2, Nights (In to the dreams), Nightwarriors, GUARDIAN HEROES, Sega Rally (remember, this is during the time when Sega Rally couldn''t be played on other consoles, and still it''s great), Daytona USA, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, Virtua Cops, X-Men vs. Street Fighter, ***FIGHTERS MEGAMIX*** (includes about 40-50 3D-fighters, including all the Virtua Fighter and Fighting Vipers characters, plus strangers like Sonic, Daytona Car, and other cool ones
, House Of The Dead, all the King Of The Fighters, Sonic Jam (includes all the Sonic games + some cool extras), and Last Bronx.
And special mention to Steep Slope Sliders. While Playstation gamers got their own Cool Boarder, that I didn''t like thanks to terrible playability (in my opinion), Steep Slope Sliders hit the Sega Saturn, and it kicks butt! Unfortunately Sega Saturn was at the last moments before dying, and so Steep Slope Sliders was reviewed only in couple of magazines, but it got really good reviews. It used simple and cool idea: When you play after 6''o clock, the hills are dark, but during the day the hills are normal. Just when the sun sets, the hills are orange, and so on. Also it included really nice soundtrack, and well... the great playability
In my opinionion, all these games should have got more sales, but hey, it was Sega who was playing dum and selling console without agressive commercials, while Playstation started this "be-cool,play-playstation" commercials (and managed to change the history).
If anyone can buy Saturn, and can find these games that I listed, you should do so... I''m already missing my own saturn. (stupid me, I sold it because it was "dead", but now I''m really missing it, and the games are now soooo cheap
Strange, and I thought that Saturn had lots of great games!
Panzer Dragoon Saga was actually really good, but it absolutely wasn''t only good game for Saturn :D
The list is big: Sonic R, Virtua Fighter 2, Nights (In to the dreams), Nightwarriors, GUARDIAN HEROES, Sega Rally (remember, this is during the time when Sega Rally couldn''t be played on other consoles, and still it''s great), Daytona USA, Marvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter, Virtua Cops, X-Men vs. Street Fighter, ***FIGHTERS MEGAMIX*** (includes about 40-50 3D-fighters, including all the Virtua Fighter and Fighting Vipers characters, plus strangers like Sonic, Daytona Car, and other cool ones

And special mention to Steep Slope Sliders. While Playstation gamers got their own Cool Boarder, that I didn''t like thanks to terrible playability (in my opinion), Steep Slope Sliders hit the Sega Saturn, and it kicks butt! Unfortunately Sega Saturn was at the last moments before dying, and so Steep Slope Sliders was reviewed only in couple of magazines, but it got really good reviews. It used simple and cool idea: When you play after 6''o clock, the hills are dark, but during the day the hills are normal. Just when the sun sets, the hills are orange, and so on. Also it included really nice soundtrack, and well... the great playability

In my opinionion, all these games should have got more sales, but hey, it was Sega who was playing dum and selling console without agressive commercials, while Playstation started this "be-cool,play-playstation" commercials (and managed to change the history).
If anyone can buy Saturn, and can find these games that I listed, you should do so... I''m already missing my own saturn. (stupid me, I sold it because it was "dead", but now I''m really missing it, and the games are now soooo cheap

May 06, 2000 09:27 AM
Dragonflight was my favourite RPG on the Amiga but it never got as much attention as other RPGs. I really liked Mars Saga on the C64 and yes, I have played it on the PC with an emulator hehe
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