Game of the time... and never got good audience/sales (sigh...)
I would play Panzer Dragoon saga, as a friend of mine has it... btw/ is there a saturn emulator that uses the saturn discs?? I don''t see anything morally wrong seeing as it isn''t sold anymore

Live Long and use the force; for in space the truth is out they killed Koholint :>
I know pretty much about emulation scene, and as far as I know, there has been only one Saturn emulator that played like four games, and even those didn''t work well.
Since then, this emulator has disappeared.
Nowdays there are about 6-8 Saturn emulators under production, but those read only information from cd... nothing else. Toobaaad....
Since then, this emulator has disappeared.
Nowdays there are about 6-8 Saturn emulators under production, but those read only information from cd... nothing else. Toobaaad....
i just remember of another game R-TYPE delta, anyone was aready played that one? is great
there anyone that have a PDS copy and want to sell it?? i wanna buy it but i don´t find it in anywere with a acessible prize to me( i´m not a poor guy but that 70% taxes that we have to import produts make anything over 50$ a abuse)
-sometimes i hate my country, but we can play soccer and go home receive your xmas present
there anyone that have a PDS copy and want to sell it?? i wanna buy it but i don´t find it in anywere with a acessible prize to me( i´m not a poor guy but that 70% taxes that we have to import produts make anything over 50$ a abuse)
-sometimes i hate my country, but we can play soccer and go home receive your xmas present
I dont know how well these games sold, but I was a big fan of all of the GOLD BOX games released by SSI. I thought they were UNREAL. I have still got Gateway to the Savage Frontier, and Secret of the Silver Blades on C64!! For those of you how don''t know these games, they were basiclly some of the first CRPG''s based on Dungeons & Dragons...

Hey MarauderZ! Fine to see another fan of Star Control 2 here! I am also a huuge fan of Star Control 2.
Anyway: Star Control 2 is the best game ever in my opinion.
It didn''t sell as good as Star Control 1, but Star control 2 was probably too badelee marketed.
Also, it you''ve never been to www.star-control.com please go there because Star control still has a huuge following (and I am one of them, my nick is orzese!).
Sign the petition there to help get Star Control back!
(the creators of SC2 try to get back the rights to the SC trademark from Accolade (now infogrames).
Regarding your comment about a windows version. There is currently a Star Control 2 clone being worked on. It also has a windows version.
it''s at www.star-control.com/timewarp
Anyway: Star Control 2 is the best game ever in my opinion.
It didn''t sell as good as Star Control 1, but Star control 2 was probably too badelee marketed.
Also, it you''ve never been to www.star-control.com please go there because Star control still has a huuge following (and I am one of them, my nick is orzese!).
Sign the petition there to help get Star Control back!
(the creators of SC2 try to get back the rights to the SC trademark from Accolade (now infogrames).
Regarding your comment about a windows version. There is currently a Star Control 2 clone being worked on. It also has a windows version.
it''s at www.star-control.com/timewarp
May 14, 2000 02:51 AM
BioForge, I love that friggin'' game.
Thanks for your time, now go play it.
Thanks for your time, now go play it.
i know it sold alright (as they made 2 more with yet another on the way) but alone in the dark was a great game which is never gets the respect it deserves. game was made like 10 years ago, had full 3d characters & objects, amazing atmosphere (probaly best i''ve even seen.. course its kinda hard to SEE atmosphere) and really cool music.
_______________________________________________i hurt myself today, to see if i still feel..
OK, for the Alone In The Dark... This is just a personal opinion 
I think that Alone In The Dark wasn''t THAT GOOD. It was actually good, and it felt completly new kind ogf game (well, it was), but there was one thing that made me to pull my hair off: Difficulty. If people are complaining how easy new games are, please try to play AITD without spoilers & cheats :D
Well, it wasn''t too hard to play trough, but it was still pretty hard... I think that AITD didn''t sell too well, because it was pirated really fast. But well, it was probably first horror-game for PC that I have played, and it''s still one of the best ones... Only Realms Of The Haunting beats it easily

I think that Alone In The Dark wasn''t THAT GOOD. It was actually good, and it felt completly new kind ogf game (well, it was), but there was one thing that made me to pull my hair off: Difficulty. If people are complaining how easy new games are, please try to play AITD without spoilers & cheats :D
Well, it wasn''t too hard to play trough, but it was still pretty hard... I think that AITD didn''t sell too well, because it was pirated really fast. But well, it was probably first horror-game for PC that I have played, and it''s still one of the best ones... Only Realms Of The Haunting beats it easily

Hmm, let me drift back to the Amiga (I had the 500 +... that''s a whole 1 MB extra of RAM, all for the size of a CD case
Anyway, I think it''s got to be SWOS (96/97 - so refined!)... that game was *amazing*... i''m not sure if it sold all that well... I know it''s fondly rememberd in retro circles but it''s still the *bestest* football / management game EVER ! Although a word of warning, the PC version sucked... dunno why... it was like that dreadful transition in Quake 3 from version 1.08 to 1.09... huh? oh oops... sorry
Nick - Head Designer, Llamasoft.net
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Games, goodies and ingenuity

Anyway, I think it''s got to be SWOS (96/97 - so refined!)... that game was *amazing*... i''m not sure if it sold all that well... I know it''s fondly rememberd in retro circles but it''s still the *bestest* football / management game EVER ! Although a word of warning, the PC version sucked... dunno why... it was like that dreadful transition in Quake 3 from version 1.08 to 1.09... huh? oh oops... sorry

Nick - Head Designer, Llamasoft.net
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Games, goodies and ingenuity
Nick - Head Designer, Llamasoft.net--Visit our website...Llamasoft.netGames, goodies and ingenuity
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