quote: Original post by beantas
If a movie can do that, I think there is the potential for a game to do it.
I Agree with that. Though when you go to the cinema, you''ll be sitting in the dark watching a 8 mtr. screen with 50dB surround sound. That will intensify the experience dramatically (at home those movies never seem that horrifying). A giant monster inside your 15" monitor just isn''t that scary. Your senses tell you you can throw the damn thing out of the window if monsters should pop out of it.
I think with the use of VR equipment, it will be a lot easier as you can really get your player lost in whatever situation, and control all of his senses. Some years ago we did some experiments with VR helmets and just being sealed inside the 3D environment with *real* 3D vision was kind of scary on itself. The point is, the experience of the player has to be realistic and convincing to have him feel uncomfortable or even scared.
So VR definitely has a future if you ask me.