

Started by March 17, 2000 12:07 PM
83 comments, last by Zontar 24 years, 6 months ago
Fear me, hasbro, for I am ZONTAR! Fear my army of eLeEt renegade hAcKeRs who will manipulate the Matrix and send you into PUNISHMENT! My Visual Basic skills will DESTROY YOU ALL, for I am an eLeEt d00dz! QUAKE IN FEAR, HASBRO! HA HA HA HA!
------------------------------------------------------------I once won an award for "The most gratuitous use of the word 'Belgium' in a serious screenplay, but some white robots stole it from me.
Now that was enough to cheer me up..... a hacker who uses Visual Basic. :-) [I''m assuming that this was a joke!]
Hehehe. Hackers and VB That''ll definately happen! And I''m sure that Hasbro reads this thing too hehehhehehehe. That really cheered me up.

If you code it, they will come...

Commander M
just wondering if there's any language less efficient than visual basic?

Edited by - pouya on 3/17/00 4:21:55 PM
VB skills , more like puting together a kindergarten jigwsaw puzzle . Ooh , btw , I''ll start trembling in a second.
I was influenced by the Ghetto you ruined.
If you guys knew the power of VB you would say that !

VB is really great, but u need to know it !

so be less "some big guy said it sucks so it does" attitude and try to be useful

(for the ones that want to call me newbie, nerd, stupid, vb sucker, whatever) at least i can say i earn more than you and i do know C\C++ pretty well and can do almost everything i can do with C using VBasic!

It's good to be an outcast, you don't need to explain what you do, you just do it and say you don't belong there.
Also, VB7 should be way different then previous versions, but that isn''t the point.

Efficiency can be judged on many levels. One, is how fast the code runs. I believe C++ in general runs about 15% faster. (Whatever that means)

Now, the other efficiency is, how fast until I get a stable and effective product released. If you are developing a windows application, such as tools for your game, I''m willing to bet a person using VB would develop it faster.

Ever seen how much code it takes to create a COM object in C++?

The only thing VB really sucks at is string manipulation. Everything else, just use the WinAPI.
For what its worth, I use VB most days... it is a wonderful tool for getting certain types of application out of the door quickly. Its also too high level for the sorts of things that hackers are likely to be wanting to do......
Don''t know if you can program in VB?

Ask yourself this question:
Do you speak English?


p.s. I have to use it at work and I keep trying to force my style of programming from C/C++ into my programs all the time and I''m sure that is not the "correct" way to program in VB.
I needed a good laugh today, that''s just perfect. I gotta start one of these useless threads one day...

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