Published February 03, 2006
I would have Washu's children. If I were female, that is. Or something.

Nope, your eyes do not deceive you. I'm actually making a post. Yes, it is true: I am still alive.

What have I been doing? Not a damned thing. I think I have spent about two hours total time on the computer in the last 3 or 4 weeks. It's been on and logged in to various IM and IRC doohickies, but I have been AWOL. The thing is, I am likely to be mostly AWOL for the foreseeable future. Any actual development work I do is likely to be sporadic at best. Lamentable, perhaps, but understandable. Right now, I've got too much other (funner) stuff going on. [grin]

In the very small amount of time I am allotted for dev work these days, I have been spending most of it on reworking my little library of 'useful stuff'. It's mostly a hodge-podge of my utility and GUI stuff. It contains image loading, texture management, useful Lua bindings to handy-dandy libraries such as libnoise, bindings to boost::random stuff, etc... Right now, I am re-working the image management end of things. Until now, image loading has been .TGA stuff ripped-off from GLFW, and image saving has been a very crude form of uncompressed .TGA, limited to 24 bit only. Currently, I am working on swapping out the ripped off stuff and cleaning it up. darookie gave me some code for .TGA loading and saving that is far more flexible and powerful than what I currently have. I'm working on integrating it into the texture and image management system.

One change I am going to make to the library in the near future is to remove the current dependency on SDL. The library contains a class called CLoopKernel, which encapsulates a fixed-rate loop with interpolation (as detailed in Javier Arevalo's Flipcode tip of the day, and further detailed here by yours truly) that implements input, update and draw tasks as signals fired off by the sigslot library. Right now, the input signal requires a function that accepts and SDL_Event structure pointer. However, this creates an unnecessary dependency on SDL for apps that do not require the loop, such as my Fox Toolkit-based heightmap editor, so I think the best thing would be to just remove the loop kernel altogether from the utility library.

I still need to finish that heightmap editor, too. I feel a little bit bad about not having finished it already as I promised Deranged I would have. Things are just really crazy right now. Good. Yes, definitely good. But crazy.
Previous Entry Still plugging along
Next Entry WoW
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Right now, I've got too much other (funner) stuff going on.
Funner than GameDev?? ** head asplode **

Good to hear you're still alive. I was wondering why you're always on IRC yet never seemed to say anything when I drop by...

February 03, 2006 05:32 PM
I still need to finish that heightmap editor, too. I feel a little bit bad about not having finished it already as I promised Deranged I would have.


My name mentionifier went off =). Honestly no rush, any time withing the next two years if possible and we'll live. Still greatful for the editor whenever it is done =).
February 03, 2006 07:11 PM
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