1. INTRO Music and animation of some kind to hold a user's interest - probably the "intro" music should extend over all the non-game screens This screen includes some sort of description of the basics of gameplay. Probably the animation on the page should lead the player's attention to that information. The idea is to give them enough info to start playing. One corner left free to put junk in (like the distributor's logo or whatever) "Loading" progress bar while resources are fetched and precomputation done After loading is complete, the following choices appear: "Options" (goes to OPTIONS) "Quit" (goes to QUIT) "Player Name" (goes to PLAYER NAME) "High Scores" (goes to HIGH SCORES) "Play" The Play button is prominent to encourage its selection The first time through, play goes right to LEVEL INTRODUCTION for an introductory level which is just difficult enough to get the player used to the mechanics and may include some tutorial info if needed. Subsequent launches go to GAME SELECTION2. OPTIONS This presents gameplay options: Full screen vs windowed Sound and music volume More if needed, depending on game mechanics "OK" "Cancel" Returns to the previous screen3. QUIT Simple screen asking for confirmation. If a game is in progress, the text should include something like "You can resume this game next time if you wish" "Quit" "Don't Quit" Exits program or returns to previous screen. If a game is in progress it gets saved with the player name (or 'default' if there is no player name set)4. HIGH SCORES Display of the high score list. Personally I couldn't care less about what scores I get on games, but some people are into it. "OK" Goes to previous screen5. GAME SELECTION After the first run through the game, this appears to give various options. "Difficulty" Choose between game difficulty levels (radio button type deal) "New Game" Starts a new game with the chosen difficulty level "Untimed Play" Starts a free-form version of the game at the chosed difficulty level This just gives random levels and does not save anything on quit "Continue Saved Game" This only appears if there is a saved game. It should be the most prominent option if available. "Cancel" (goes to INTRO) All other choices go to LEVEL INTRODUCTION6. PLAYER NAME Prompts the user to enter a player name Text entry box (pre-populated if a recent user name exists) Could get fancy and have a dropdown of all user names, but that probably isn't necessary Button for "OK" Returns to previous screen7. METASTORY INTRODUCTION The "metastory" is the thing that shows progress through the game toward the point where it is "over" (all levels have been played). This screen explains the metastory. "OK" "Don't Show Me This Again" Both go to METASTORY PROGRESS8. METASTORY PROGRESS This shows the current state of the metastory, and includes animations or actions related to progress in the metastory. User might have to make some sort of selection, they might be able to examine things in some detail, or there could even be a separate mini-game associated with the metastory. At least the following options: "Play" (goes to LEVEL SELECTION) "Quit" (goes to QUIT) Unless the game is over, in which case this leads to GAME OVER WIN9. LEVEL SELECTION This is optional. For some types of games it might make sense to let the user choose a level - a particular quest they want to go on, a particular prize they want to go after, a particular maze they want to solve, etc. Maybe a "stage" is comprised of several levels and it doesn't matter which order they are done in, so the user can be given control over what they want to do. Goes to LEVEL INTRODUCTION10. LEVEL INTRODUCTION Level-specific loading and computation, shows the level name and might show other stuff as well. This could be integrated into GAMEPLAY especially if there isn't much to introduce or if the loading time is very short. "Go" goes to GAMEPLAY11. GAMEPLAY Starts with a brief animation saying "Go!", and lets the user play the game. Available commands: "Pause" (goes to GAME PAUSED) "Options" (goes to OPTIONS) "Hint" (performs some specific gameplay highlighting) "Quit" (goes to QUIT) - each user only has one saved game, so there's no need to ask about saving If the level is completed, goes to LEVEL COMPLETE If the player loses, goes to GAME OVER LOSS 12. GAME PAUSED "Continue" (goes back to GAMEPLAY) "Quit" (goes to QUIT)13. GAMEPLAY HINT When new gameplay elements are introduced, in some cases at least it is probably a good idea to explain them. This type of screen should definitely be an overlay over the gameplay screen with a visual indication of what is being discussed "OK" "Don't Show This Again" Both return to GAMEPLAY14. LEVEL COMPLETE Some sort of animation and score summary to congratulate the user. "OK" Goes to METASTORY INTRODUCTION or METASTORY PROGRESS15. GAME OVER LOSS Should contain their score and game stats. "Save Score" If there is no user name, first goes to PLAYER NAME Goes to HIGH SCORES with current score highlighted "High Scores" (goes to HIGH SCORES) "Quit" (goes to QUIT)16. GAME OVER WIN Starts with some sort of celebratory message. Should contain their score and game stats. "Save Score" If there is no user name, first goes to PLAYER NAME Goes to HIGH SCORES with current score highlighted "High Scores" (goes to HIGH SCORES) "Quit" (goes to QUIT)
Ok, here's a new screen list. With this setup, the obvious default path gets right to playing a level by clicking on "Play" from the first screen.
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