
Published November 02, 2005
Just checking in. Still extremely busy around here with a lot of things, so I have done exactly nothing on any of my projects. Hopefully, I can get back in the groove pretty soon, but I can't make any promises. [grin]

Drove out to El Paso last Wednesday to visit a friend ( [grin] She's the chief reason for my current absence) and on the way back Sunday my truck started to act a bit wonky. Acted like there was water in the fuel line or a clogged fuel filter or something like that. Dumped in a couple bottles of Heet when I filled up in Tucson, and it seemed to help, but the problem recurred and progressively got worse until yesterday the truck died on my way home from work. I'd added more Heet when I filled up again yesterday morning, so water in the lines probably wasn't the issue. I pulled out the filter, and tried to rinse it out to see if maybe it was just clogged, but no go. I could get the truck to start for a few seconds, but it would starve out. I'm thinking either badly gummed up fuel lines or a dead fuel pump. It's in the shop right now getting looked at, and I am sitting at home skipping work and feeling like the world's largest bum. Especially since the other guys at work are so seriously slammed as a result of today's unanticipated absence on top of last week's anticipated and very enjoyable absence.

Been browsing through some new journals in the meantime, and there have been a few good ones crop up. Most notably this one which apparently kicks ass in all possible ways. [grin]

On a final note, it seems as if the Golem page over at legion.gibbering.net is finally gone for good. No surprise there; it was free hosting to start with, and Peter has since moved on to different things, so I have been expecting it to vanish for quite some time. Indeed, I am rather surprised it hung around as long as it did. I would like to rebuild the page, though, so if anyone knows of any good free hosting (without annoying pops) I'd like to hear about it. The page needed some major updating, due to the massive changes that I have wantonly wreaked upon the hapless Golem project design and goals, so this seems as good a time as any to rewrite the page.

On yet another final note (yes, I know, absolutes such as 'final' shouldn't have plurals; bite me [grin] ) I have been pestered quite a bit about the inactivity of the Accidental Engine thingamajig. The exe was hosted on the now-defunct Golem site, so that's a dead link right there, and I haven't uploaded any new articles in a dog's age. It's not dead, though. I'm in a slump right now, and other real-life things hold more priority, but I will get back to it and hopefully soon.
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November 02, 2005 02:11 PM
Knife of Dreams
November 02, 2005 11:49 PM
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