The next day

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published September 08, 2005
Alarm clocks suck, girlfriends rock. See, she can actually get herself out of bed, and so now she calls me to get me up in the mornings when I have to get up early enough to get crap done before work. How effective is it? Lets just say that I set my alarm for 10am and she called me around 10:30 and that's when I woke up. I'm glad one of us is responsible [grin]

Anyways, didn't get any programming done today. My life is backed up a little after working so much over the last month. I wanted to wash my car but I forgot that the filter on my Mr. Clean Autodry had to be changed. Blast. So I had to just get my hair cut and then hit up Pep Boys for the new filter. Now I prob won't be able to wash it till Monday, since I'm working at GA doing some pyro stuff Fri and Sat and at the beach Sun.... maybe sun evening....

So after work I headed to the mall to get my Batman jacket embroidered. This year we got cast jackets (we were promised jackets last year too, but they never materialized) and man are they serious jackets. I'm talking black varsity jackets with the show's emblem on the left breast. Have a look see [smile]

I got my nickname "weasel" embroidered beneath the bat symbol. I had to coach and rehearse at the same time so I was always leaving rehearsals early and "weaseling out" of run throughs :P My counterpart thug got rather annoyed at having to do almost all of them, haha. The only other nicknamed cast member was my buddy Steve Izzi, who we nicknamed "lunchbox" cause he carried a big ass lunchbox cooler with him to work every single day from rehearsals to close [smile]

Finally, I forgot to mention that I recently checked off an item on my list of 25 years, the Motorola RAZR V3 that I was pining over way back in January is now MINE!! I got it when I renewed my plan with Cingular in July for $200. I just bought a bluetooth headset as well. Since my Logitech DiNovo keyboard set is a bluetooth hub, I can connect my phone to my comp to transfer files, sync my Outlook calandar data, and even use my PC as a headset to take calls. I'm loving it. And I got the black one, of course [grin]

K I guess that's all for now. I have to get to bed - early and looong day tomorrow. My baby's waking me up at 8 and I prob won't get back to bed until at least 2am and I have to be at the park at 9am on Sat and work until at least 9pm that day...

If my girl wasn't coming home for the weekend I'd prob end up shooting myself :P Ah well, work hard now, play later!
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Next Entry The weekend
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Whoo Hooo Gaiden's back Two consecutive days in a row with a post. It's nice to have you back! :)
September 09, 2005 07:50 AM
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