The Car.... is MIIINE!!!

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published February 20, 2005
So I got to drive the car home today. Hallelujah! It was a bit of a challenge - there was bumper-to-bumper traffic on the ramp to go back over the George Washington Bridge. I got flustered a bit and stalled twice - luckily I didn't roll back into anyone :P Still getting the hang of easing off the cluch while giving it gas. It's way harder than on a bike, IMO. I think it has to do with the fact that hands are made for grasping/gripping, which is essentially what you're doing when you clutch on a bike. It's just flexing your hands closed and then open. Your feet, however... well it's even more like your entire leg really. Basically there's a lot more muscles involved, which makes it tougher to coordinate. But, practice makes perfect, and I am jerking less and less into and out of first gear [smile]

Anyways it's such a nice car, I'm so happy with it. I got to show it off to my family tonight as well since we all gathered for dinner at my grandmothers. Both of my uncles were impressed, and one of them has a Lexus and was devastated when he learned that my 17" rims are bigger than his (15") [lol]. We also had fun comparing our 2-way pager alarms/auto-starters, and we both started up our cars from inside the house when we were leaving.

I sooo wanted to drive around to my friends houses to show off the car, but it started snowing around 8:30, dammit. I don't have traction control or ABS so I got home quick and parked it. Ain't messing around with that. We're not supposed to get a whole lot of snow tho (3-5 inches), so I'll be able to drive it around tomorrow.

Still can't beleive I have the car... *cries with happiness*

Oh yea, about those pics I promised - I got home from Queens and had to drive straight to work, so by the time I got out (4:30) it was already starting to get dark. Oh well. I'll get around to it sometime this week.
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i before e except after c.
February 21, 2005 05:34 AM
no I will not pay you to spell check my journal, sorry [smile]
February 21, 2005 12:19 PM
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