New Family Member

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published January 10, 2005
So the stork stopped by my house today and dropped off a little bundle of joy. Okay okay it was really the FedEx truck but... you know.

Yup, my new laptop is finally here. First order of business? Wipe it clean and reinstall my copy of Windows XP Pro to get all this factory crap off. The hitch? Seems Sony is cutting back on costs by no longer including recovery CDs with the computer (my last VAIO laptop had them). This means I have to burn them myself. Crap. So I get to disc 3 of 6 (it goes backwards for some reason) and up pops a disc write error. Okay, no problem - I'll just pop in a new disc. But it doesn't let me. Nooooo, I have to restart the computer. Okay fine. So I do and I go back into the CD Recovery app and restart the burning process.... from disc 6. %$#$%@%!!!

So I just wasted 4 CDs. Great. Freakin great. Yea I cursed and kicked the wall under my desk for a while.

So here I am still burning CDs and I have to leave for work in an hour. I should finish just in time (barring anymore write errors), but I was hoping to have had the OS reinstalled before going to work, then coming home and installing all my apps.


But I'm still happy just to finally have it. It's got a Mobility Radeon 9700 so I can finally do some decent computer gaming (it's been a while). I'm still irked at this stupid manual CD labor tho.

Here are some shots. This is the entire PC family living at my desk

The new laptop is in the center, and my old one is up on the shelf under the tissue box. Since the screen is broken it's hooked up to the monitor on the left. And my aunt's old PC is down in the bottom, I'm going to hook that up to the monitor to reformat it and set it up as a webserver or fileserver or something, then do the same for my old laptop and then hook the monitor up to the new laptop for dual display goodness.

And here's the new baby. She's a beaut [smile]
Previous Entry Holy Freaking Crap!!
Next Entry Freakin Fiasco
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Please tell me the case of the desktop in no way mirrors the insides...

But nice.
January 10, 2005 04:10 PM
The desktop is an old peice of crap I got from my Aunt for free. Like I said - fileserver or webserver. Nothing much else that it's good for
January 10, 2005 06:16 PM
Rob Loach
I am envious.
January 10, 2005 09:56 PM
That's pretty crappy about having to burn your own recovery discs.

Laptop looks very pretty... shiny and new - let's hope this one doesn't go down the stairs ;)

But dude... lime green carpet?
January 11, 2005 01:33 AM
Maybe you should invest in some rewritable CDs. [grin]
January 11, 2005 03:51 AM

But dude... lime green carpet?

[LOL] You know I just looked at that the other day myself. I never really realized it before. But now that my room is also my apartment, I've been fixing it up and taking care of it more seriously. I've actually been considering lately of ripping up the carpet and laying down a hardwood floor. Or something.

And the flash brightened the pic a lot. It's not that green [smile]
January 11, 2005 05:37 AM
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