Okay, I Needed That

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published November 04, 2004
Wednesday, November 3rd

There's nothing more I enjoy than writing a tale of fiction. Especially when it involves lots of death and destruction. I was extremely tempted to just leave my entry at that, just to see people's reactions, but unfortunately (or fortunately) I have other things to say tonight. Oh well.

So I got an email today, from a guy from Ionforge. Seems he read about that bug I mentioned in an earlier entry and was wondering what the deal was. He also offered to help me with some aspects of the application. Very cool. I guess I keep forgetting how many people read this journal.

Bill Gates, pay me $1 billion now!! [looksaround]

Uhm, anyways since I have 33 GDBucks bet on me so far, I figured I might as well stop procrastinating and start working out. I only have a 10lb dumbbell, so that means lots and lots and lots (and lots) of reps. I started out small tonight, 5 sets of 50 on each arm. I didn't time it either, tho I will in the future. My original plan was to watch a Stargate SG-1 episode every night while working out, starting from season 1 episode 1. The only flaw, I realized tonight, was that my friend still has my season 1 DVD box set. DOH! So instead I watched a movie while I did my reps. It was a comedy. How smart of me. You have any idea how hard it is to lift weights whiel laughing? No, not smart at all.

So I'll get my box set back tomorrow and start my daily regimen. Since each episode is roughly 45 minutes long, it'll be a good timer for my workout. I'm thinking in that amount of time I can get in 10 reps of 50 on each arm, 100 pushups and 25 handstand push ups. For starters anyways. It's been a while since I've worked out like this after all. Maybe I'll toss in some abs later on in the month.

So yea. That's about all that went on today. I tried to code, but I'm getting really stressed out about not having my bike. Hopefully I'll finally get it back tomorrow, I can ride with my buddies all night, and then be nice and relaxed to code all weekend. And now that I don't have to work at GA, my weekends are looking to be much more productive.
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100 Push-ups and 25 Hand-stand push-ups. I can only do about 20 pushups in one go... man, I need to start working out again! And the hand-stand push-ups, the only way I'd be able to get into a handstand would be to slam against a wall [smile]. After that the only thing I'd be doing is falling over.
November 04, 2004 12:57 PM
Well not 100 pushups all in one rep... prob like 15 or 20 at a time [smile]. And yea, you do handstand pushups against a wall.
November 04, 2004 01:55 PM
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