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Keep the new year chugging along with more great tutorials. Enjoy!
AI Content on Steam - Today, after spending the last few months learning more about this space and talking with game developers, we are making changes to how we handle games that use AI technology. This will enable us to release the vast majority of games that use it.
What makes a magic system great in video games? - Now that I’m working on my game’s magic system, I started playing games with good magic system and researching what makes them good. I’m here to share my findings.
Why folder structures matter - In this blog post, I will look at some best practices and common edge cases that will hopefully help you better structure future projects. First, let’s discuss some of the common folder structures and their issues.
Targeting Your Audience With the Trailer's Sound Effects - Sound effects can help sell your game to your target audience in ways all the other parts of the trailer cannot. Sound effects are essential to game trailers just as they're essential to the games. Every time someone asks me to critique a trailer which has no sound effects in it I half-jokingly ask: What does your sound designer think of that?
Why 14,000 Games Released On Steam In 2023 Isn’t That Bad - The best thing to do before you freak out about something is to first look at the problem and poke it a bit. Let’s look at where the growth in the number of games released is coming from.
Negotiable Abstractions - In this post I'll cover what theoretically (and often practically) good abstractions require.
Unity Gamepad/Controller Input Button Mapping Examples - On this page you can find a small collection of example scripts related to getting button, axes and other input from different types of gamepads/controllers with the new Unity Input system, and some examples related to the old legacy Input class and Input Manager.

EXTREME PERFORMANCE with Unity DOTS! (ECS, Job System, Burst, Hybrid Game Objects) - Let's learn how to use Unity DOTS in this massive tutorial!
Code Monkey
the SHADER tutorial i needed 1.5 years ago... - In this 2D Unity tutorial, I'm going to explain ALL the basics of shadergraph and give you the tools to help you get started making your own shaders.
Sasquatch B Studios
Flyweight Factory with Unity Object Pooling - Explore Unity Object Pooling for Flyweight Game Objects that share common (intrinsic) data and callbacks in this video aimed towards efficient management of resources and object pools!
Houdini Beginner Tutorial | The Ultimate Starter Guide (3+ Hours of free lessons) - The Ultimate Starter Guide
How I use abstraction SIMPLY in unity - I wanted to give everybody a real practical example that you can use in probably any game
Jason Weimann
3 Game Programming Patterns WE ACTUALLY NEED. - Today I'm going to show you three game programming patterns that you need for every game. It doesn't really matter what type of game you're building
Jason Weimann

The Complete Learn To Code Bundle - Coding for AI, games & more
Interested in learning about the intersection of game development and the rapidly advancing technologies driving AI? This bundle of video courses from Mammoth Interactive will get you up to speed! Learn how to implement, manage, and optimize large language models like GPT with the cutting edge toolkit Ollama. Drill down on the basics of popular game engines like Unity, Unreal, and Godot, hone your programming skills in languages like JavaScript and Python, and much more!
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Unity-Voxel-Tracer - Work in progress voxel tracer. This at the moment is intended to be an offline solution for lighting, so real-time framerates are not a goal at the moment.
frostbone25 Open Source
Unity-SoftBody-physics - Add softbody physics to unity Free
ehsanwwe Open Source
50% off AK STUDIO ART - Publisher Sale - 50% of AK Studio Art assets! PLUS, get Art Gallery Vol.2 for FREE with code AKSTUDIOART
Unity Affiliate
EasyAccessibilityPackage - A Unity package designed to make accessible game development as simple as possible.
trudeaua21 Open Source
VitalRouter - The zero-allocation message passing tool for Unity (Game Engine). And the very thin layer that encourages MVP (or whatever)-like design.
hadashiA Open Source
PixelationFx - Pixelation post effect for Unity Urp
NullTale Open Source
VolFx - VFX Toolkit targeted post-processing with custom scene architecture
NullTale Open Source
UIFlow - The Noesis UI Flow framework for Unity.
LizzyFox-code Open Source
GiLight2D - Experimental 2D Raytracing for Unity Urp
NullTale Open Source
UnityCommandLineInterface - A lightweight unity command line console system
529324416 Open Source
DynamicLighting - Modernized Lighting System of Unreal Gold / Tournament (1996-1999) for Unity.
Henry00IS Open Source
DataBinding - Data binding for Unity gameobjects. If you like MVVM User Interfaces, this is where to start.
JochenHeckl Open Source
UnitySettingsFramework - This package aims to provide a comprehensible, simple and expandable way of creating in-game settings for any Unity game.
xZenvin Open Source
Math And Physics For Dummies - Book Bundle - Math, physics & more… For Dummies. Need some help wrapping your head around complex subjects in math and physics? This bundle of books in the popular For Dummies series is here to help with fun and approachable lessons across a number of tricky topics! Statistics All-in-One For Dummies will teach you how to interpret graphs, determine probability, critique data and more! Bone up on the fundamentals and move onto the advanced stuff like graphing functions and approximating area with Calculus For Dummies. Thermodynamics For Dummies will help you wrap your head around complex concepts like entropy and the laws of thermodynamics in an easily digestible and approachable manner. Pay what you want for all these and more—a total of 16 books—and help support buildOn with your purchase!
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MULLET MAD JACK - MULLET MADJACK is a single-player fast-paced FPS that brings you directly inside a CLASSIC ANIME. Power up your character and reach the last floor; Beat your best time or try again. Haste makes waste… OF YOUR ENEMIES!
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My game, Call Of Dookie. Demo available on Steam
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