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Shader tutorials, VFX and more. Enjoy this week's issue!
Procedural ANIMATED-ORGANIC material, 100% shader. - There's incredible beauty and design in nature. It's fast and auto-generates surface/lighting information for both lit/unlit environments.
Mechanics and tricks from Platformers applied to Endless Runners to improve experience - There are multiple mechanics and tricks from Platformer games that can be applied in Endless Runners as well. I want to share here what am I doing for the game I am working on and how.
Decorator design pattern for dynamic game stats - Whenever we roam a fantasy realm our characters will equip armors or weapons that enhance their statistics. At the same time, vicious monsters may inflict various status effects inhibiting our actions and movements. They may be countered with healing spells and buffs protecting our heroes. The latter can give us superpowers or even make us invincible for a while. The question is: how can we keep track of everything that is happening to our characters at runtime? How to ensure that the player status is correctly set under specific array of conditions? This can quickly get out of hand given the amount of different effects we can experience during a game. In this article we’re going to look into the decorator design pattern and see how it can help us remedy the situation.
In Praise of Top Down Programming - These days, top-down modular programming is pushed aside by object-oriented programming when it comes to teaching how to program. But there is a place for both methodologies to co-exist and top-down programming solves the ever-present problem of how to begin.
Motors in Unity Physics - Since the prerelease of ECS for Unity, motors have been supported by Unity Physics as of 1.0.0-pre.22. In Unity Physics, motors are a type of joint where one of the constraints that defines the joint exerts a drive force to move to a target. This target can be either position-based, so that the motor always attempts to move to this position, or velocity-based, so that the motor attempts to maintain a specified velocity.

Moebius-style 3D Rendering | Useless Game Dev - It’s shading time. Watch me try to make a shader that renders real-time 3D in the hand drawn style of Moebius. There be crosshatch, outlines, sobel filters, we’re in for a bumpy ride.
Useless Game Dev
Cross-platform game development with the new URP sample scene | GDC 2023 - In this session, you will discover how to build beautiful cross-platform games in the Universal Render Pipeline (URP). URP technical artists walk you through the new URP Sample Scene to teach you how to scale the graphics of your games and provide solutions for common scalability challenges. See technical rundowns of select graphics features such as custom post-processing, custom lighting and shaders, plus tips on how to apply them in your own projects.
How to create, launch, and manage multiplayer games with Unity | Unity at GDC 2023 - Learn how to create amazing multiplayer games for your players. In this session, the Unity multiplayer team will interview multiple customers to give you an insight into how to start creating multiplayer experiences and discuss features that accelerate complex creations, including matchmaking, hosting, networking, and much more.
How to Write Tests for Your Unity Game - In this video I give some compelling arguments why your Unity game needs automated tests and show how I write tests for Stardeus.
Kodo Linija
Becoming a Unity VFX Artist -07- Fresnel - Today we take a look at Fresnel and how to bend it to our will.
Brandon Garman

Time Travel Mega Bundle Sale! - Users can save up to 95% off three curated sets of classic, top quality assets and tools, perfect for revisiting old projects and beaming them into the future.
$9.99 Bundle - Save up to 85%
This bundle contains FPS Mesh Tool, Fun Casual Sounds, and Character Creator 2D. $19.99 Bundle - Save up to 87%
This bundle contains everything from the $9.99 bundle, plus Ambient Sounds - Interactive Soundscapes, Mech Constructor: Humanoid Robots, and Inventory (Game Creator 1). $29.99 Bundle - Save up to 95%
This bundle contains everything from the $9.99 and $19.99 bundles, plus 11 additional assets: Game Creator, EnhancedScroller, Sci-Fi Effects, Editor Console Pro, Love/Hate, Animated Hands with Weapons Pack, Fantasy Icons Megapack, Easy Decal, Broccoli Tree Creator, Advanced Dissolve, and Advanced Terrain Grass.
Unity Affiliate
Movavi Video Editing Bundle 2023 - Your complete video creation suite. Edit movies, record gameplay, convert video formats, and more with this video production software from Movavi! Edit footage, add FX, adjust audio, and more with Movavi Video Editor Plus 2020—plus a versatile array of themed effects packs. Create gaming content with the lightweight, easy-to-use gameplay-capture software Gecata 5. Bring images to life with Movavi Photo Editor and Movavi Slideshow Maker 8. Get the tools filmmakers & content creators need, and help support Oceana with your purchase.
Humble Bundle Affiliate
Fast Script Reload - Are you tired of waiting for full domain-reload and script compilation every time you make a small code change? Me too. Hot Reload implementation for Unity. Iterate on code insanely fast without breaking play session. Supports any editor. 1. Play 2. Make change 3. See results
handzlikchris Open Source
bindlessdi - Lightweight dependency injection framework for Unity almost free of bindings. Only supports constructor injection.
no0bsprey Open Source
whisper.unity - This is Unity3d bindings for the whisper.cpp. It provides high-performance inference of OpenAI's Whisper automatic speech recognition (ASR) model running on your local machine.
Macoron Open Source
Unity Editor Toolbox - Improve usability and clarity of key features in Unity Editor for better workflow! This Toolbox not only extends functionalities, it does so with the user in mind. Written to be as flexible and optimized as possible. Now you and other programming professionals will be able to create a readable and useful component editor simply by using attributes. You’ll get fast and clear access to data from GameObjects placed in the Scene. Lastly, you’ll gain more control over the Project window. Go ahead, customize those folder icons.
arimger Open Source
GBC Object Pool - GBC Object Pool is a free Unity asset that allows you to use object pooling in your games. Object Pooling creates game objects prior to use, thereby eliminating the lag from repeated creation and destruction of objects over and over again. Any prefab object can be pooled with this library.
schizoid2k Open Source
Unity.Pooling - Object pooling for Unity
Zitga-Tech Open Source
Moments - Moments is a quick GIF replay recorder for Unity3D. It automatically records the last few seconds of gameplay and lets you save to a GIF file on demand, like the game TowerFall Ascension does.
Chman Open Source
EnumDict - A Unity package for associating a value with each case of an enum. Allows setting values in the inspector and serialization.
ComradeVanti Open Source
Unity-Aspect-Oriented-Programming - Unity AOP also known as Unity Aspect Oriented Programming is a framework for Unity3D that allows to use aspects in your games. It uses Mono.Cecil to rewrite compiled assembly basing on aspect attributes.
H1M4W4R1 Open Source
RATS - Raz's Animator Tweaks 'n' Stuff - Some Harmony-based patches to Unity's Animator and Animation windows. It fixes some bugs, adds customization, and generally removes some of the annoyances of working with animators.
rrazgriz Open Source
UniFlux - Flux Integration for Unity - Provides an efficient Flux integration for Unity.
kingdox Open Source
UnityFx.Outline - Screen-space outlines for Unity3d.
Arvtesh Open Source
Unity Asset Quick Access Tool. - Pin your frequently used assets to an accessible window.
SolarianZ Open Source
#NVJOB Name Generator v1.1. Free Unity Asset. - #NVJOB Name Generator is a class with a built-in base. Seven types of generated names: Female Old, Female New, Male Old, Male New, Female Fantasy, Male Fantasy, Sci-Fi.
nvjob Open Source
#NVJOB Simple Water Shaders V1.x. Free Unity Asset. - #NVJOB Simple Water Shaders are fast and easy water shaders running on mobile and desktop platforms. The asset includes two shaders, Specular and Surface. Water over time changes the direction vector, the direction of movement changes in a circle.
nvjob Open Source
USyrup - Dependency Injection - USyrup is a dependency injection framework designed for the Unity Game Engine. It's heavily inspired by Java's Guice/Dagger DI frameworks, co-opting similar such semantics from those libraries. The core problem that USyrup attempts to address is simplicity. Many dependency injection frameworks that currently exist are both incredibly feature rich and even more so complicated. USyrup's simplicity makes DI much more approachable and actually benefit a project instead of creating dependency confusion.
Jeffan207 Open Source
Time Rewinder for Unity - Rewind time in Unity with ease! While there are certain frameworks that let you rewind time in Unity, they are usually quite restrictive and hard to modify. I faced these problems myself when i needed to add time rewind mechanics in my game and none of the solutions that i have found were good enough. That is why i decided to start this open source project that i hope you find usefull. Time Rewinder uses highly efficient circular buffer implementation to store and retrieve the rewinded values.
Customizability is one of the main points of this project, so it can be used in any of your custom Unity projects and you can track and rewind anything you want!
SitronX Open Source
ScreenShotter.cs - A screenshot taking tool for Unity. Drop this onto a "ScreenShotter" or similarily named empty object in your scene and configure as desired.
stevepdp Open Source
Anim-Express - Lightweight Unity Utility to quickly setup 2D animations After importing texture in the project, we can use utility method to generate animation assets.
sgaumin Open Source
Unity Animation Post Processor - This repository contains the code and assets for the tutorial video on how to fix Mixamo animations automatically in Unity using an Animation Post Processor. An Animation Post Processor solves issues like broken armatures, missing avatars, generic animations, and more.
adammyhre Open Source
50% off Aquarius Max - Publisher Of The Week Sale. Get 50% off Aquarius Max assets – now until April 20. Plus get Ultimate Medieval Constructor for FREE with coupon code AQUARIUS at checkout.
Unity Affiliate
NaughtyCharacter - Third Person Controller for Unity.
dbrizov Open Source
Learn To Create RPG Games In Unity - Earn skill points in RPG craft Train yourself to develop your own role-playing sagas with these courses from! Discover how to design and code core systems for combat, dialogue, quests, and other RPG essentials using Unity. Learn how to make art using Blender by creating your own awe-inspiring dragon. Plus, get packs of assets to help you put together your own open worlds. Level up your RPG-making skills, and help support Oceana with your purchase!
Humble Bundle Affiliate
Epic Royalty-Free Music Collection - Score your next project with this epic collection of tracks. Take a sonic journey through action, intrigue, drama, uplifting emotion, and more with this colossal collection of royalty-free music from composer Joel Steudler! These compilation sets have never been offered before, and many include newly remastered deep cuts from Joel's extensive catalog. Media producers of all sorts will find a bountiful bonanza suitable for film, video, podcasts, streaming, or games. Plus, your purchase will support JDRF in their mission to find a cure for type 1 diabetes!
Humble Bundle Affiliate

Trinity Fusion - Explore dark, sci-fi worlds and engage in fast-paced and precise combat in Trinity Fusion - a Rogue-Lite action platformer set in a sprawling, doomed multiverse.
[You can get it on early access on Steam, follow them on Twitter, and visit their website]
Angry Mob Game
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