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Enojy these tips and hacks to speed up your workflow, free assets, and a lot more. Enjoy!
Advanced Editor scripting hacks to save you time, part 2 - This two-part article is designed to walk you through advanced Editor tips for improving workflows so that your next project runs smoother than your last.
Game Dev Cookbook: from the makers of Wireframe Magazine - Replicate mechanics and moments from dozens of classic games with the new, FREE digital book from Wireframe magazine.
Dragging And Dropping 3D Cards - Moving cards, with juice.
Using Inverse Kinematics for hand placement. - One of the hardest things to get correct in a game is the placement of a character's hands. In this article, I will use Inverse Kinematics (IK) to give that extra polish to my game when ledge grabbing. This concept can be used to add that extra polish to any animation that requires the correct placement of hands or feet.
A Custom Leaf Physics Solution for Unity - The solution allows for a higher framerate compared to Unity's Rigidbody. [project source]
Pentiment’s defining detail is its fonts - LettermaticLettermatic makes fonts. Fonts you can buy and use, fonts that cover your Starbucks coffee cup, fonts in apps and on a NASCAR car. You can find their fonts everywhere, on all sorts of things — even in video games, like Psychonauts 2. You’ll find their letters next in Obsidian Entertainment’s Pentiment, the 16th-century narrative role-playing game that looks like it’s been pulled straight out of a medieval manuscript.
Unity Releases - Unity versions 2023.1.0 Alpha 17 and 2022.2.0 Beta 14 have been released.

4 Techniques to Light Environments in Unity | Unite 2022 - Step into the famous Sponza Atrium to see how to beautifully light an environment from scratch using a mix of baked and real-time techniques. Pierre Yves will showcase the GPU Lightmapper, the new Probe Volume system, ray tracing, and path tracing.
This Filter Turns Games Into Paintings - 30 years ago a man attempted to denoise medical imagery and unknowingly set off a chain reaction of research developments leading to a modern day post processing effect that transforms images into paintings, but how did he do it?
An Unusual Way to Fix This Common Problem in FPS Games - Do you know of any games that use this technique?
Simple Physics Based Plane Controller in Unity - Ever wondered how to make a simple plane controller in Unity using only the physics engine? Well, I did. And I made this video in case anyone is interested in seeing how I did it!
How to adopt a modular code workflow for your team | Unite 2022 - Who doesn’t like to save time and effort? Learn how to easily adopt a modular team workflow across the full stack while writing new code. This talk touches on the Unity Package Manager, symbolic links, Git submodules, and more.

Unity’s Black Friday/Cyber Week sale - This is one of the biggest and best sales of the year and we want to ensure you have advanced notice so you can maximize these opportunities.
Unity’s Black Friday/Cyber Week sale will feature more than 500 assets up to 50% off. The sale will begin November 14.
Also starting on Nov 14, we are highlighting several special assets as Daily Deals and offering them at a 70% discount. These assets are on sale for only 24 hours
Unity Affiliate
Tons of Free 16-bit style Pixel-Art Game Assets for your own gamedev! - I am game developer and assets creator Luis Zuno known as Ansimuz. I have over 6 years of work in assets and most of them are public domain. My work is in 16-bit/sega genesis/super nintendo style. Feel free to browse my work and use it on your own gamedev. No credit required.
More than 1500 stylised free medieval models - So I made a bunch of 3d models for free so devs with no art background can make their video games. Is totally free, and if you make money is yours! No need to pay nothing at all. I hope this is usefull for the talented devs here. Here you will find, weapons, props, food, buildings. A bit of everything!
Free 16-bit Super Nintendo Style Parallax background Mountains Assets - 5 year ago I released a Free Asset named Mountain Dusk, it became very popular despite its simplicity, now I'm more skilled and decided to create a new version. Feel free to use this assets on your own projects no credit required.
I've made 50 animated monsters you can use in any of your projects, for free! - 50 Monsters with attack, death, running, walking, and many more animations in .Blend, .FBX, .OBJ and glTF formats!
I've released over 50 tracks in different genres and licensed them under the Creative Commons 4.0 so you can use them in your commercial projects as well and they're all free to download and use! - There is this small "free music library for indie creators" project that I've been working on quite a while in my spare time and I am happy to say that as of today the library consists of a little bit more than 50 tracks! So far I was able to release 6 albums and these albums have the genres of bluegrass, darkwave, electronic, hacking, lo-fi and space!
AI Generated Game Textures - All of these images were generated with a Stable Diffusion Algorithm. Upload your generated texture to share with the community!
Sam Garcia @samyam_youtube
UnityInvokeAI - simple Unity editor UI for calling InvokeAI (stable diffusion) web interface (locally)
unitycoder Open Source
Realtime CSG for unity - Realtime-CSG, CSG level editor for Unity
LogicalError Open Source
World Builder - Unity creation tool, speeding up scene creation, workflows and empowering level designers.
WooshiiDev Open Source
HiLog_unity - HiLog: The extensions of unity's log plugin
hiram3512 Open Source
Mesh Animation - Mesh Animation is lightweight library for rendering hundreds of meshes in one draw call with GPU instancing.
codewriter-packages Open Source
Lightspeed - Coding Utility Library for Unity - Coding extensions library: New basic datatypes, static helper methods and extensions on Unity datatypes.
Rhinox-Training Open Source
Gameframe.SaveLoad - Serialization helper utility that supports save, load and encryption.
coryleach Open Source
ReactiveDots - ReactiveDots is a set of utilities for Unity Data Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS). Its purpose is to help developers write common types of systems with a minimum of boilerplate code. ReactiveDots use Roslyn source generators to achieve that.
PanMadzior Open Source
Mega Music Maker Bundle - Spectacular samples, loops, and more for musicmakers Producer Loops and Humble Bundle are back to present the Mega Music Maker Black Friday Special—perfect for all music producers, beatmakers, DJs, artists, vocalists, and anyone who is looking to create and release their very own music! Featuring premium content from the world-renowned Producer Loops, this bundle features epic quality and quantity, including 55 Royalty Free Sample Packs with 15,750 WAV loops/one-shots and over 3,500 MIDI files. Don't miss this rare chance to get over $1,700+ in value, all while supporting Alzheimer's Research UK and Breast Cancer Research Foundation.
Humble Bundle Affiliate

JellyCar Worlds - It's a Car, made of Jelly! Squishy Physics, Tactile, Silly & Imaginative Driving/Platforming
[Visit their website, wishlist on Steam, and follow them on Twitch]
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