Hi all, it's been a couple of months since the last major launch - quite a difference from the usual month between launches. I've been making additions to too many different parts of the game at once, which has proved difficult and harrowing to test all of the interactions between various bits. There may well still be some interactions I have not tested yet. In any case, I've been pushing to get a release out for the last few weeks, and it is now ready.

If you don't want to read the full changelog, here are the most important bits:
UI/UX Update: "Tap to Play" cards is now toggleable in the settings.
Balance update: Customers now enter faster the more cards you play.
Content Additions: New Effects (Bewilder N (Put the top N cards of your deck into your discard.), See Next Customer (Shows the next customer for a brief time.), Random (Performs a random effect!), Add Customer (Another customer enters your restaurant if possible.)) and New Hazard Modifiers (Double, Split, Move, and Half)

I present: the full changelog for this release.
Added new effects.
• Bewilder N (Put the top N cards of your deck into your discard.)
• See Next Customer (Shows the next customer for a brief time.)
• Random (Performs a random effect!)
• Add Customer (Another customer enters your restaurant if possible.)
Added at least one new card and/or hazard for each of these effects.
Hazard Modifiers are now more dynamic and scriptable.
• Added Double, Split, Move, and Half hazard modifiers.
Added at least one new level per new effect and hazard modifier.
Added sounds.
• Background restaurant sounds
• Sizzle
Added wild foods that act as any food.
• They’re instantiated when you complete a line of foods
Stopped time when looking at a tooltip.
• Also, open the instructions by swiping right when the tooltip is active!
Customers now enter faster the more cards you play.
Removed Random Level generator button in preparation for an overhaul.
Removed “Complete Customer Order” card.
“Change Card” effects no longer persist after a Gauntlet level.
Tap To Play Cards is now a toggleable option.
Tapping on foods speeds them up.
“Next Customer Arrives In” text expands and contracts when it changes.
Scrollbars are wider for easier mobile device accessibility.
History Panel expands and shrinks according to hand size.
Fixed some bugs in the tutorial.
Hazards no longer change color halfway through their life cycle.
Behind-the-scenes code refactoring.