So my last entry was way back in mid-November. Just before Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition was released and fully distracted me from finishing this game. :(
But I got back to it in January, and finally have the Adam's Revenge campaign completed! I've also added in the level summary screen that I'd mentioned in a previous blog post. The game is looking pretty good, and I'm just about ready to release the 2.0 version.
I had originally thought to have 12 levels in the campaign, but scaled this back to 9. I felt I'd reached the limit of what this little engine is capable of, and any more levels might feel repetitive. The last four levels of the game are quite difficult, and fun to play through as they are. I think the campaign is right in that sweet spot of being just right in terms of length, difficulty, and fun.
Here's a little peek from level 8 of the campaign. In those later levels, you really have to navigate carefully amongst the barriers and traps to keep yourself alive!

I also decided the best approach when you die was to reset the score back to what it was at the beginning of the current level, and let you continue from there. I might consider adding some menu options related to story mode gameplay, but for a future release. For now, I'm just going to do some code cleanup, and get this thing released as it is within the next few days!
I've put up a beta version with the full campaign for testing here:
Github apparently has a 100MB limit on individual file size, so I had to put it up on my personal web site for now. I'm quite surprised by how large all the sound files are!
The fate of the world is in your scales...