Weekly Updates #66 - Passing the gates

Published October 26, 2019

Guess what? it's Saturday again! Time for a new post of your favourite Weekly Updates blog. There's a little bit of new content this week, so let's start!

New Doors

First, there are new doors. Previously, there were only rudimentary doors mainly used to split rooms and control game flow.

Now there's another one: automatic sliding doors.


These are supposed to imitate the ones most stores have, sounds included!


As the name suggests, these are fully automatic. They'll open automatically anytime an entity gets nears. They'll also remain open until every entity moves away.

Oh, and these can be locked too! Usually, there's a nearby puzzle to complete first.

On a side note, yes, you can break the windows. Although completely useless right now, it's very useful to let off a bit of steam!

Take a look:


Toggleable Objects

Second, there's now a way to control the solidity of some objects. To illustrate this, I added a new type of prop called toggleable blocks.


These are big multi-coloured blocks. They can have several purposes... Some may allow you to access otherwise inaccessible places while others will get in the way.

Deactivated togglable objects appear as an AESTHETIC outline: 


Any solid and visible objects can easily become toggleable. This includes moving platforms, ladders and even some enemies... In short, a lot of possibilities!

Here's a short video showcasing this:


And finally, there is a new prop. 

To recap, platforming challenges were originally reached via secret staircases.


However, stairs quickly became quite complex to implement... Before placing those, I first needed to carve out holes form the ground. This required changing most of the generation code. And having many different floor meshes didn't help either...

After a bit of brainstorming I had a vision: why not elevators? With these, no need to carve out anything... It was also a lot more Vaporwave.


Therefore, I decided to go with this idea and refine it a bit...

When you find an elevator, it then rises from the ground. To take it, you simply need to enter and activate the elevator buttons.


I also plan to have some kind of elevator music too. I mean, Vaporwave can sometimes be sampled elevator music. So might as well go full circle!

Here is a small video showing the elevator:

Minor Updates

  • Fixed a bug with step sounds not playing
  • Added new type of steps sounds. These are:
    • Metalic steps
    • Rubber steps
  • Added Audio reverb zones to most platforming challenges
  • Completed part of Challenge #4
  • Fixed most Reflection probes of every challenge
  • Added a Field of View option in most option menus.
    • Yes, this means configurable FOV.
      • Technically these are limitless, though the slider is limited between 20 and 200, with the default being 60 (like Unity's default)
  • Added some assignations to AudioListenter.pause.
    • This effectively stops some sound from playing while paused
  • Fixed a bug where pressure plates activated by the player's own weight wouldn't deactivate until the player lands form their jumps.
  • Fixed a bug with transparent shaders not working well with LOD fading.
  • Fixed a bug where some audio volume preference would be ignored in some instances
  • Bunch of refactoring.

Next Week

I'm still planning to build challenges next week. I'm also going to try continuing implementing challenge #4 before any of this though. I also need to finish up elevators and perhaps start placing challenges in levels too...

After all of this, it's your usual suspect... as usual!

So yeah, that's about it!

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