So, it was time I added a form of currency to SlingBot Boarding. I've been working out how to make the game more interesting and I also wanted to incorporate more classic game elements.
So, say hello to Spinning Golden Rings!
build v0.2.1:
Every player starts with 100 rings in their account(new space in the UI top-right). These will be used to buy boost fuel and upgrades for your board/engines. When I make those things... Soon.
You will soon be able to earn them doing all kinds of fun and interesting things throughout the park. But for now, you can go Rabbit Hunting every 5 minutes to get a chance at snapping up a goodly sum, before I inevitably extend the Hunting interval out a bit longer... Or make the rabbit a little less generous.. Probably both. haha
I've also tweaked all of the sounds a bit and added a few new ones(a good crunchy when the board leaves from/returns to the ground, and a nice classic power-up style ring collection sound), it's really starting to sound like a game now!! I've also switched out some of the main UI text elements for a more meshy type of.. type.. It will look much cleaner when I get them all swapped out and arranged/colored/etc..
All for now, going to bed before 2am today, trying anyhow..
Happy Hunting!!