WoA V : End of contest

Published August 13, 2017

This is the final day of the competition. I have unfortunately not finished my game but I still made a submit so that you can try what is done. You can download the game https://neonlightgames.com/woa/Assets/Submissions/sjs-studio.zip. If you want to follow me for this game, here's my twitter account: https://twitter.com/sjs_studio. Finally, here are the credits of my images and music:

- The character was made by a friend of mine.

- Charset was made with Game Character Hub.

- The gui is a pack that I buy at this address : https://graphicriver.net/item/space-game-gui-pack/9264290

- The spaceship and background come from : https://www.gamedevmarket.net/asset/2d-space-shooter-assets-space-rage-1775/ 

- The ennemy ships come from packs on unity asset store.

- All my music come from : http://eliteferrex.newgrounds.com/ or https://eliteferrex.bandcamp.com/

Previous Entry WoA V : Day 6
Next Entry WoA V : Post mortem
1 likes 2 comments


Scouting Ninja

The game feels very professional. The chain attack works nice, on my second play I did check to see if it was random.

The only thing that I found troubling is using the space as the text fast-forward. Normally in games like this space up or action up is used for slow reading and ctrl hold down is used for fast-forward.

August 14, 2017 05:58 AM

Tanks for your comments. :) 

August 14, 2017 01:12 PM
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