Did a quick little test to see how well some of the textures I made in making the previous journal entry "read" in Goblinson Crusoe. Looks pretty good, if you ask me.
Did a quick little test to see how well some of the textures I made in making the previous journal entry "read" in Goblinson Crusoe. Looks pretty good, if you ask me.
I agree with Servant. It looks too regular and the abrupt transition from the sides to the top is glaring. I really like the tri-planar mapping.
Yep, looks fantastic!
I especially like that water levels can be at different heights - many games just pick a specific level that water is at, which gives less interesting cave terrain. I like that you have different height pockets of water (or so it looks in that image, but I'm not certain).
Two nitpicks:
1) At some camera angles, it the texturing makes the pebbles look inverted (like pockmarks instead of bumped out). Not sure what the fix for that is!
2) Why the discrete separation between the floor and walls? What happened to thou tri-planarillistic mapping? While the test textures clashed too much, I loved the way this stuff looked (particularily the rocks blending with the grass).
Don't get me wrong - I love the new textures, I just dislike the "here's the side, now here's the top" distinction. Players definitely need to be able to distinguish individual tiles, as well as wall-from-top, but couldn't transition be slightly smoother? It's good to have separate textures for the sides and the top - but there should be more blending between them, IMO.