Not the end of the day for me, But I don't know if there is anything else I need to change or do.
Today went smoothly, There was not much to do tho.
I mostly applied a little polish to the game.
I prebuilt all the graphics command buffers for the entities, So that improved performance a bit.
Added some bounding planes to keep everything in the level.
Improved the screenshot showing the different buttons and what not and added some more instructions.
Future improvements:
- Instancing.
- Containers that ensure that there are only one instance of each resource create and that it gets shared.
- Marking stuff as safe for unloading in the future.
- More robust helpers( Object/Material parsing ).
- Use "ToDoList" by AbstractSpoon instead of wordpad for keeping tack of tasks.
Here is a link to the latest build:
I think this is the only journal entry I've read where the developer was saying, "Yeah, I'm pretty much done..." Congratulations on planning your path well and using your time wisely. :)