Say hello to new journal authors newtechnology, KiritsuGames and LariGuilger!
Project Updates
- A Keyboard and the Truth - EDI has a lot of thoughts for new Revel immortal technical improvements, including a new way to display various game screens and playing around with an immediate-mode GUI
- Journal of Aardvajk - Aardvajk has a new video and write up on the improvements he's made to the edge shimmy for his 3D platformer
- DMD 'Ware - polyfrag is pondering over a lot of details that need to go into a city builder based around an economy sim - you can't just plop a building like SimCity. Construction costs, transportation for supplies, contractors, wages....
- Undergroundies Projects - Undergroundies has announced that the latest version of The Underlings is up for free download, and also has a video intro to the game
- Beals Software - Programmer16's latest project Keep Them Sleeping is up for grabs on and Gamejolt, still under development along with Seeking Imagination
- Shipyard Development - nerdboy64 has dropped a big update for Shipyard that brings combat into the game
- et1337 makes games - et1337's latest Screenshot Saturday post has a look at the game as it is prepped for submission to be included in the Indie Megabooth, and he's also announced Oculus Rift support
Game Dev Stuffs- Journal of Aardvajk - Aardvajk shows his implementation of "a typesafe signal/slot system ... using varadic templates" and some of the things that you can apply this to
- Infinity Elephant Development Journal - Plethora knows the scope of the project is probably too big, but given that it hasn't affected the drive to complete the project eventually, does it really matter? How big is too big? That's a balance each developer must attain, Plethora argues
- Ramblings of a partialy sane programmer - blewisjr is musing about IDE's having bad editors and editors lacking most of the benefits from an IDE. Basically you can have a great overall build environment but rely a lot on the interface to edit code, or have a great way to edit code but lack a good build interface.
- Gamieon's Journal - Gamieon has already developed Hamster Chase for iOS and Android, so he figured getting it deployed to Windows Phone would be a breeze. Nope. He explains why
- slayemin's Journal - slayemin is starting up his indie studio, with paid employees and an office - all on his own dime. This takes guts, and good planning. He talks about why he decided to go this route
- Too idiot to make it, too idiot to quit - desdemian shows off his sketchbook that he uses to doodle things for both artwork and programming. Are you doodling too? Show off your stuff in the comments
- Journal of Aardvajk - Aardvajk shows his implementation of "a typesafe signal/slot system ... using varadic templates" and some of the things that you can apply this to