Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published May 24, 2014
If you have clear skies (I hate you) and live in the US, be sure to check out the Camelopardalids peaking tonight. Might be a good show. I have additional tips for meteor watching if it's your first time.

Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 5/17 - 5/23

Say hello to new journal authors delagames and Giallanon!

Project Updates

  • Journal of Aardvajk - Aardvajk shows off a new feature of his 3D modeler, which now uses support functions for generating both simple and more complex shapes
  • Lactose!'s Journal - Lactose! has a brief gameplay video featuring the cool brush art he showed off in his last post, and updates on the current project status
  • From End to Beginning - coremarq has a new build available for download of his rougelike project, featuring a re-design and working potion/food system
  • Radical Heroes: Crimson City Crisis - Mad Unicorn Games HAS RELEASED Ver 1.04b ZOMG DOWNLOAD NOW
  • A Keyboard and the Truth - EDI is refreshed from vacation and updates on the current status of Revel Immortal
  • Out Of The Ashes - Burnt_Fyr is working on grokking the maths for his engine and also learns the difference between Draft and Published journal entries ;)
  • Jordan Bonser's Indie Dev Journal - JordanBonser talks about what he's looking to get functional for the next demo of his custom JBEngine
  • arka80's Journal - arka80 shows off his current progress on procedural terrain generation via bitmaps for his rougelike project he wants to take out of the dungeons and also into the wilderness
  • Squared'D's Journal - Squared'D is re-settling back in the US and updates on his current job and the status of Auxnet
  • Undergroundies Projects - Undergroundies has a new demo available for download on the Game Maker workshop, with news on the full version's release
  • Mein lebenswerk! ?(????) - polyfrag has been a busy bee this past week, with lots (lots) of cool videos and images to pour over. I especially like the destruction video...
  • OddGames development journal - O-san is back, and he brings with him another cool step-by-step gif of an art asset creation. Lovely!

    Game Dev Stuffs

    • Ding! Games - ShawnGreer has two important pieces of advice to share - how to listen to other people for good ideas that may be better than yours, and the importance of early playable prototypes
    • Bidimensional Dreams - dejaime wrote about the LGPL license a while ago, and has a case study now of a developer who has fallen victim to some of its weaknesses
    • et1337 makes games - et1337 discusses the way he implemented Lemma's interactive dialogue system - simply and using free/OS software
    • swiftcoding - swiftcoder is writing insights into various programming things as he works to construct his own programming language. In this entry, he discusses various means of dealing with garbage, in the form of resources
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har har....

May 24, 2014 03:09 PM
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