Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published March 15, 2014
you guys are on your own next week. I'll be at GDC. If anyone wants some face time to gripe or sing praise about GDnet then get in touch somehow. [email="drew@gamedev.net"]Email[/email] or twitter are probably the best ways.

Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 3/8 - 3/14

Stop by to say hello and welcome to new author KryaK!

Project Updates

  • tnovelli's Journal - tnovelli has a brief update on porting over his 2D project to C++ as well as some new artwork
  • Once a Bird - Demosthenes shares the trailer for Twitchy Thrones as well as the game's official website
  • Undead Castle Dev Journal - afliii shares information about the upcoming Undead Castle prototype demo
  • Path Tracing Adventures - Arjan B has made progress converting his path tracer to work with CUDA and has a video of the current "real-time(-ish)" results
  • Chronicles of the Hieroglyph - Jason Z has been thinking about ways to make it easier to get native D3D11 code playing nice with a user interface framework, based on work he has done/is doing with his Hieroglyph engine
  • From End to Beginning - coremarq has a new video of his 2D rouge-like dungeon crawler with details in this entry about the new stuff in it
  • ferrous' Journal - ferrous has updated his Unity-based browser tower defense game with some help text to guide players, along with some bug fixes and other improvements
  • Wilhelm's Journal - Wilhelm van Huyssteen has added the ability for Strife users to buy in-game currency using bitcoin, and also has new images of terrain work
  • "Into The End" - Undergroundies goes over the latest additions to the game you can check out in the included video
  • et1337 makes games - et1337 announces the Lemma kickstarter will drop on Monday and shows off some new gifs of revamped surface materials as well as his experimentation with Pixi.js
  • A Keyboard and the Truth - EDI updates on the current status and upcoming work for Revel Immortal
  • Merry Prankster Games - gdunbar has released a revamped trailer for Temple of the Abyssal Winds

    Game Dev Stuffs

    • A different way - Norman Barrows shares his techniques and ideas for a different way to build games to avoid OO headaches while retaining many of its advantages
    • Leadwerks Developer Blog - Josh Klint will be talking more shortly about how to get everyone on a team working smoothly together, forming a pipeline to make content production smoother
    • Nyphoon's Thrilling Quest for Release and Everything In-Between - Nyphoon Games goes over things to think about when coming up with a new game concept
    • My Journal - Lysergide explores a different, safer and automated technique that achieves the same result as using string identifiers in Unity, but without needing strings

      Thanks for stopping by Tutorial Doctor and codenine75a!
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