Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published April 20, 2013
Reminder - if there are any past journal entries you would like to turn into an article, please do so! Here's how to submit articles. I will be taking some time to go back through and find content but you guys that know what you have are welcome to dig it up on your own.

Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 4/12 - 4/20

Welcome new Journal Land authors ChrisVossen, Bogdanas and timgranstrom!

Project Updates

  • achild's Journal - achild is working hard to release his toolset - here he shows what texture packing will look like, for traditional sprites along with skeletal animation
  • Journal of Mak - Mak has started using free space ship designs from SolCommand for use in Dominon. They are indeed pretty awesome free ship designs!
  • DMD 'Ware - polyfrag announces Pathogen has been release onto iOS and Android. 'Grats!
  • uwi2k2 - Part Time Game Dev - uwi2k2 has a video of playing around in his 2D engine used for Pirates in Kalsland and also updated his websitePirates in Kalsland. Also, neat trick of using the direct embed link to YouTube
  • Journal of Aardvajk - Aardvajk updates on the progress of Charm, his 3D character modeler
  • BGBTech: The Status Update - cr88192 talks about why he's using shadow-mapping on the terrain but stencil shadowing for the character in his project
  • The Dawn Age - Development Journal - Cerd has a small progress update on his 3D dungeon crawler project, as well as some character concept art and models
  • RuinValor - Birth of Talos - riuthamus has a 360 pan of the Gorgone character model as well as a short video of the walk cycle in progress
  • The Bag of Holding - ApochPiQ has posted Release 14 of his Epoch programming language and talks about his plans moving towards Release 15
  • /* Why you crying? */ - JTippetts talks changes made to his Accidental Noise Library, including fixing up constructors for all the module types and switching from raw to smart pointers

    Game Dev Stuffs

    • Leadwerks Developer Blog - Josh Klint shares news of the Leadwerks 3 engine bringing native code to mobile platforms
    • Norman Barrows' Journal - Norman Barrows has gathered up some links on SPUs if anyone is looking for additional reference materials. He also found a 5-hour video course on lighting 3D scenes for $24
    • New Old Things - Endurion's latest step in creating a Commodore64 game tweaks the behavior of the zombie to make it easier for the player to avoid getting killed. Hey! What kind of classic game is he trying to make here?

      Other Stuffs

      • Azaral's Journal - Azaral has started a series of in-depth articles about his hobby of blacksmithing. This is certainly a first for the Other Stuffs section and a great read too. He submitted it as an article originally and I really wish we had some deviant category for it to be published in, but ultimately it was better off in the Journals. Check it out!
2 likes 3 comments


Servant of the Lord
The blacksmithing article - couldn't you put it under a "Creative->Other" category, and tag it 'Historical' and 'Crafts'?

This would be the same category you'll eventually have to put other articles about things like 3D printing and homebrewed motion capture rigs that'll be of great benefit to the community but hard to categorize.
April 20, 2013 09:59 PM

Thanks for the plug, once again a great post as I read some things I missed throughout the week.

April 20, 2013 11:59 PM

Sorry SotL we're keeping a strict focus on things directly related to making games when it comes to articles

April 21, 2013 12:17 AM
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