Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published February 25, 2013
Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 2/15 - 2/24

Welcome new Journal Land authors irreversible, ArmideonOkawa and CC Ricers!

Project Updates

  • Gnoblins - Development journal of an indie game - Ashaman73 has the latest preview video of the Gnoblins alpha demo releasing later this month
  • The life of a Unity Developer - dtg108 and team have delivered early on the alpha for Not Dead Enough so get on that download and check it out!
  • RuinValor - Birth of Talos - riuthamus shares some new 3D model renders for RuinValor world objects and also talks about some funny-looking rendering issues that popped up recently
  • Bluefirehawk's: "Project Phoenix" - Bluefirehawk explains why he has decided to indefinitely suspend work on Project Phoenix
  • /* Why you crying? */ - JTippetts has been quite busy this week working on and improving a new rendering style for the hex-system used in Goblinson Crusoe - and I have to say it looks really cool!
  • Lost in the Catacombs of Game Development - TheVegarian returns to announce his project Explosive Shell - "a top down space shooter which is putting a new spin on space combat"
  • Walking Towards The Sun - freeworld has returned to playing around with RougeLikes (thanks to Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup) and has a short demo video of his random dungeon generator in action
  • Beals Software logo+%20bullet.png- Programmer16 shares his work with the C# Game Jolt API on CodePlex and updates on both the February and March games of the month
  • Wilhelm's Journal - Wilhelm van Huyssteen has new additions to Strife (including map editor and animation improvements), as well as new videos and images of the latest build

    Game Dev Stuffs

    • Chronicles of the Hieroglyph logo+%20bullet.png- Jason Z shares the story of how using a singleton for his event manager years ago in the early stages of his engine development has come back to bite him
    • Bluefirehawk's: "Project Phoenix" - Bluefirehawk shares notes on things he should have considered prior to beginning work on his project in case anyone else looking to start a project is looking for some guidance from hindsight
    • The Gameconomist - Yaniv Nizan has created a mailing list that will collect articles weekly on "free to play game design, virtual economies and more."
    • New Old Things - Endurion's latest step in making a Commdore64 game brings you up against the start of the big boss!
    • Gaiiden's Scroll - Gaiiden spent some time this past Saturday checking out IndieCade, as the event made its first ever east-coast appearance in Queens, just outside of Manhattan at the Museum of the Moving Image

      Thanks for stopping by, Navyman
3 likes 2 comments



Thank you for the shout out! :)

February 25, 2013 08:57 PM

everyone at least gets a shout out :)

February 25, 2013 11:10 PM
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