Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published February 16, 2013
Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 2/1- 2/15

Project Updates

  • Portas Aurora: Arrival Development - Navyman offers up what advice he can on his experience after his team's Kickstarter project fails to meet its goal
  • IfThen Software LLC - InvisibleMan has released the latest Areum pre-alpha build, which stands at v0.0.0.327 at the time of this writing
  • RuinValor - Birth of Talos - riuthamus has been looking for feedback on concept art for Dwarf and Human races and also has some information on plans for the character creation screen
  • The Curiously Recurring Gimlet Pattern logo+%20bullet.png- jwezorek has a new screenshot and an update on his iOS word game Syzygy
  • Beals Software logo+%20bullet.png- Programmer16 continues with kid's games for his 1GAM entries and outlines his February project and also includes a development time lapse. Another entry has updated information on his 1GAM entry from January
  • Chronicles of the Hieroglyph logo+%20bullet.png- Jason Z explains a new feature of Hieroglyph 3 called Glyphlets, which are "basically an abstraction of an application, and only provide the bare minimum functionality that an app requires". He's updated the source repository with a sample program
  • SpeedRun's Journal - SpeedRun has a new release available for his Pong clone MPong
  • Radical Tales - Radikalizm invites everyone to stop by and check out their new website
  • Retro Grade - superman3275 has discovered DarkBASIC to be a terrible language and details why you shouldn't bother with it over BASIC and announces his first basic game project. Basic as in simple, he'll be making it in C++
  • Gnoblins - Development journal of an indie game - Ashaman73 has an updated FAQ for details on his project Gnoblins and other entries the past two weeks include new character art and shots of experimenting with Cel Shading - maybe a Linux port too?
  • Undead Castle Dev Journal - afliii shares a candid look at the problems his team has been having recently, something many of us can relate to, and updates on the aims of the company towards Undead Castle and other projects
  • The life of a Unity Developer - dtg108 has some new screen showing renders of a zombie and character models, also teasing the imminent release of the Beta for Not Dead Enough
  • Modern Roguelike - Navall admits his strive towards perfection in his code structure is instead inhibiting his project development
  • Milcho's Journal - Milcho has a great run down of his experience in creating a 2D skeletal animation system and the unique problems he came across that made the task surprisingly challenging even if it was still simpler than his experience with 3D
  • Coding In Transit - Dancin_Fool has a post mortem and link to Asteroid Alan, the game he created in January for 1GAM

    Game Dev Stuffs

    • Think Small - BSVino's popular YouTube series that gives visual lessons on math oriented towards game development has some new uploads
    • The Curiously Recurring Gimlet Pattern logo+%20bullet.png- jwezorek needed sprites traveling along curved paths and wrote a library to generate the 2D curves - source is available
    • Mark's Journal - mdwh shares his thoughts on the fact that a Google+ account is required if you are to leave ratings on Google Play and that Google+ accounts enforce a real name policy that could be affecting user's decision to post any reviews
    • New Old Things - Endurion's latest step in making a Commodore 64 game includes a small cosmetic upgrade to the story pages
    • The Gameconomist - Yaniv Nizan has an interview with Primadwan, the developer of Android in-app purchase pioneer Lazy Snakes
    • The Bag of Holding - ApochPiQ has the solution and explanation for the concurrent programming bug he detailed in an earlier entry and challenged the community to figure out.
    • Gamieon's Journal - Gamieon lists 5 things he's found are good to include in your mobile games, and ones that he plans to incorporate himself moving forward
    • Digivance Game Studios - Dan Mayor gives out some advice regarding programming language and fundamentals for beginners who are wondering where they should be starting when stepping on the road to learn how to program
3 likes 3 comments



Looks like you were busy this week!~ :P

February 16, 2013 07:06 AM

Missed last week's Readings. Glad you're back.

February 16, 2013 08:33 AM

Thank you for the nice summary.

February 17, 2013 07:31 PM
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