Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published February 05, 2012
Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 1/29 - 2/5

Featured GDNet+ logo+%20bullet.png Journal Entry

D Bits - Aldacron continues talking about properly binding D to C, a discussion he started last week. This time he focuses on an important aspect of function declarations: linkage attributes

Featured Member Journal Entry

Radioactive-Software - dgreen02 is back after being absent more than not from posting updates on his game Gettysburg: Armored Warfare, but let's go easy on him for being pretty much The Guy behind the entire project! He updates about the game's 64-player online capacity, integration with Steam stats and his trip to Sweden for his publisher's game press conference

Welcome to new journal authors omnomnom, jwezorek and LordYabo!

Project Updates

  • Walking Towards The Sun - freeworld threw together a little 5-hour project he plans to clean up and release later on, he has a short video of the simple game in action, a mix between "Same Game" and "Concentration"
  • Journal of Lee Stripp - Lee Stripp has the script code for exporting a vortX GE skeleton from Blender
  • kseh's blog - kseh has a new build of his game up for playing, which he realizes now should really be called a platformer. Check it out and also take a gander at the development notes he's made available as well.
  • Pixel ? Tile ? World logo+%20bullet.png - Servant of the Lord is back to working on the AdventureFar code base after spending time on some tools (some of which he will be releasing for others to use). He goes over the code base structure as well as the external libraries AdventureFar is dependent upon so far. Also a bit of new art.
  • Melting Cube - cgpIce has some updates on what he plans to do with Dukandia and some pointed questions to the community about how he should go about it. Also, vote for the games icon!
  • Necron00bicon - jjd announces information about his new team and project Brotherhood of the Coast (working title) which is "a pirate-themed RPG with a sophisticated environmental engine to create an immersive world, with a deep narrative that challenges the player to become a marauding prince of the seas."
  • The Bag of Holding - ApochPiQ has started a series "The Making of Epoch" where he has been chronicling his experience in creaing the Epoch coding language - not just the how but the why and the motivation behind it all
  • WorldAlpha.com DevBlog logo+%20bullet.png - worldalpha has more sniper mini game updates, and assures that the rest of the MMO modules are being worked on as well
  • AmzBee's Journal - AmzBee has an alpha release of their game Jewels built with XNA 4 on the reach framework available for people to download and check out

    Game Dev Stuffs

    • Dungeon Fortress - Darkness is not your friend - Ashaman73 has finally found in OpenOffice the database solution for his game that he's been looking for. He lists the requirements he needed out of a database and explains why OO fits the bill
    • Net Gnome's Journal - Net Gnome has worked out a Seperate Axis-Theorum for tile maps and shares the algorithm code for anyone interested in collision detection routines. He's got it working for himself but is unsure how it will fare for others
    • New Old Things - Endurion gets a leg up from the community with some new artwork and adds some new enemies in the latest step of many in building his Commodore 64 game

      Other Stuffs

      • The Code Zone Bargain Basement Blog - been a while since we've seen a deal post from johnhattan so he shares news on Daz3D offering some of their 3D modeling suites for free throughout February. These aren't strictly game dev tools but might find some use in your toolbox nonetheless

        Thanks for stopping by Tape_Worm
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