Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published December 11, 2011
So I'm thinking of moving Weekend Reading to Sunday nights from here on out, to give people a chance to post on the weekend and still be featured here without a whole week going by. Thoughts?

Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 12/3 - 12/11

Featured GDNet+ logo+%20bullet.png Journal Entry

et1337 makes games - et1337 has an article on runtime compilation for C# scripting, caching the bytecode in DLLs and using no special binding code or incurring a performance hit. He covers the scripting alternatives out there and then dives into implementing runtime compilation with detailed code examples.

Featured Member Journal Entry

Radioactive-Software - dgreen02 talks about the results from the very first beta test session for his game Gettysburg: Armored Warfare. Now that he has a publisher, he's unable to post as many blogs as he used to but continues to provide as much insight as possible into the work he's doing - largely by himself!

From The Staff

  • GameDev.net Staff Journal - lead site developer Michael Tanczos presents "5 Lessons Learned and a Sneak Peak into the Future of the GDNet Community", where he discusses the months ahead for GDNet and what we are focusing on accomplishing. Let us know what you think!
    Project Updates

    • dejaime's - if anyone has some good recommended reading for the topics dejaime lists in this entry about studying up on various development topics to help get his project off the ground, leave them in his comments section
    • Walking Towards The Sun - freeworld has a screenshot of a new project dubbed Orb of Conquest that is "a turn based strategy game with card game mechanics" he's had on the back burner for a while
    • SuperMaximo93's game development - SuperMaximo93 has a new piece of concept art for Station 6
    • Data Spire - darkpegasus is working on a new project after his iHero game called Genegrafter. He gives some details and links to the project's Kickstarter page
    • Journal of the Mini-Engine (ME) - ChaoSXDemon stops in for a quick thought dump on what OpenGL version to support for his engine. Anyone with suggestions should leave him a comment
    • WorldAlpha.com DevBlog logo+%20bullet.png - worldalpha has their website up and running fully with some concept art - let them know what you think of it. Personally I find it very well laid out and presented the way I would expect an in-development game website to look. They are also now on Facebook and twitter
      Game Dev Stuffs

      • Journal of Aardvajk - Aardvajk is using Qt at work, which is a cross-platform application and UI framework. He brain dumps on some of the ways the library is restrictive thanks to it being based on inheritance class tree.
      • New Old Things - Endurion's C64 game continues to grow as he adds additional enemy states to give them a reaction to getting hit and also adds in a new jumping spider enemy
      • ZorgaGames Journal - GnollAF talks about how he used Facebook integration and Google Analytics to track social metrics in his game project Puzzle Attack
        Other Stuffs

        • Pixel ? Tile ? World logo+%20bullet.png - Servant of the Lord swings by to spread the word about the game At a distance, which was made by VVVVVV creator Terry Cavanagh.
          Thanks for stopping by __Homer__, Kimmi
1 likes 1 comments


Sir Funk
I like the idea of having it updated Sunday night.

For me, I like to do all my Weekend Reading on Monday morning when I don't want to be productive at work, so it works for me. Very rarely do I do my "weekend reading" on the weekend!

Thanks for keeping up the good work!
December 12, 2011 03:36 PM
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