Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published October 07, 2011
Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 10/1 - 10/7

Featured GDNet+ logo+%20bullet.png Journal Entry

Chronicles of the Hieroglyph - Jason Z talks about the Render View capabilities of the Hieroglyph 3 engine, which allows him to take advantage of multithreading in D3D11 and handle some unconventional GPU operations as well. Also, congrats on his re-admission to the exclusive club of Microsoft MVPs! (DirectX/XNA)

Featured Member Journal Entry

CoffeeCoder's Journal - last week I highlighted how CoffeeCoder had chosen GLBasic over Blitz3D for his game project, but he's run up against some problems with GLBasic that he shares

Project Updates

  • OddGames development journal logo+%20bullet.png - O-san decides to implement character stats and has some updated screenshots of the user interface
  • Ashnor's dev journal - fellow Lua devs should tune in to ashdev's journal to compare notes as he works on his project, targeted at mobile devices using Lua and Corona API, along with other libraries he mentions
  • Robot University -- a 2D DirectX Puzzle logo+%20bullet.png - grab the latest version of puz's Android game, still under development but iterating rapidly with constant releases
  • Yckx's GameDev Journal - a very basic screenshot for testing purposes nevertheless allows yckx to visually show some of the changes to his engine's renderer since he last spoke about the changeover to D3D11 last month
  • The Bag of Holding - ApochPiQ shows off his Arduino hardware game project Snowball, based off a simple game concept he played around with when he was younger
  • INSERT COIN(S) HERE logo+%20bullet.png - in addition to a general update, Zethariel has posted his previous project for download if anyone's looking for some code/gaming to look at, The link's not obvious (in the comments) so here it is.
  • Jemgine - it's all about the arrays in the latest Deyjascript update as Deyja details how the scripting language handles them and has the latest code files up for grabs
    Game Dev Stuffs

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