It's a boy.

Published October 07, 2011
I still have some things to say soon regarding use of 3rd-party 3D libraries in creating isometric games, but in the mean time...

We're having a baby. (By we, of course, I mean that my wife is having a baby, and I get to stand around and be encouraging and supportive.) Found out today that it is a boy. I'd have been just as happy to have a girl, but either option carries its weight of worries and excitement. It's a pretty strange thing to think about after all these years. Me, being a dad. I worry that I won't be a good father, considering that my head is so far in the clouds most days. I worry that I'll drop him at some crucial moment. I worry that he'll turn out to love sports, and I'll have to ask someone else to teach him to throw a spiral football because I throw like a four year old girl. I worry that he'll be smart and quiet and socially awkward like I was, and that school will be a hardship for him. So much worry, but the excitement overshadows it. A little person is going to be entering my life soon. He'll be defenseless, he'll be small, he'll look to me for guidance and love. Maybe I can teach him the "nerdy" things that I love, and maybe he'll learn to like them. Or maybe he'll grow in ways I can't anticipate. I can only hope that I do right by him and give him every chance and every opportunity.

Sorry for the non-development-related aside, but seeing the ultrasound pictures today (we are calling him Skeletor, based on those pictures; that name will likely change) suddenly made it real for me, and I got a little excited and a little scared. Carry on.
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I'm not a father, but I am a live-in surrogate uncle. From my experience, only good parents worry about not being good parents.

Oh, and sleep all you can now. Those first three months of your kid's life will be brutal :D
October 07, 2011 04:13 AM
Congrats man! I think you'll do just fine.
October 07, 2011 04:18 AM
Oh, yeah: Congrats :D
October 07, 2011 06:22 AM
Congratulations :)
October 07, 2011 07:27 AM
[color=#1C2837][size=2]Congratulations and try to sleep as much as you can now, you'll find soon that you don't have much time for sleeping, or programming, or eating or whatever :)[/size][/color]
October 07, 2011 10:35 AM
Congratulations :) Guess what? The fact that you're already worrying about those things makes you a good father.

My boy is 2 years old at the end of the month. Yes, life changes a lot after having a child but I can assure you that it's all worth it. You'll never look back. He'll be somewhat like you and somewhat different at the same time. It's a very exciting thing that you can only truely understand by experiencing it.

Oh, and sometimes it feels like you have a lot less time for programming and such, but you get better at managing your time and make it work somehow.
October 07, 2011 12:00 PM
Jason Z
Don't listen to those guys - you just have to give up your sleeping time to program :)

I think yckx's comment hits it on the head - if you are worried about it, you'll do just fine. I have two little ones, and I think you are in for a nice surprise at how much they add to your life (even though they do modify your scheduling capabilities...).

October 07, 2011 04:21 PM
oh sweet lord you've managed to reproduce! WE ARE ALL DOOMED! THE END TIMES ARE UPON US ALL!!!


I mean... congrats!

October 07, 2011 04:47 PM
well on the upside you'll now have plenty of things to keep you busy these next 18+ years! :) Congrats to you and the wife
October 08, 2011 12:33 AM
Thanks everyone. :D

phantom: Phear teh Mini VertexNormal!
October 08, 2011 01:00 AM
[quote name='Giallanon' timestamp='1317983735']
[color="#1C2837"][size="2"]Congratulations and try to sleep as much as you can now, you'll find soon that you don't have much time for sleeping, or programming, or eating or whatever :)[/size][/color]

dido, and congrats. Trust me you'll never look at life the same. It's a bit early too, but you and your significant other should look into "love and logic", it helps tremendously with the stressful situations you're soon to enjoy.
October 08, 2011 07:43 AM
Best wishes!
October 08, 2011 08:24 AM
great news from you today. congrats
October 10, 2011 01:06 AM
Congratulations!! =)
October 10, 2011 07:01 AM
good job,well done and [color=#1C2837][size=4]Congratulations![/size][/color]
October 11, 2011 01:49 AM
Congratulations, time will the short the first year, but you will never regret it :D
October 11, 2011 06:08 AM
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