Weekend Reading: Tales from Journal Land

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published June 17, 2011
Here are your Journal Land entries from the period of 6/10 - 6/17.

Featured GDNet+ logo+%20bullet.png Journal Entry

Chronicles of the Hieroglyph logo+%20bullet.png - Jason Z updates the Hieroglyph 3 repository withe the latest code that allows for multithreaded text rendering and explains the method behind it and the history of the engine's text rendering capabilities.

Featured Member Journal Entry

Jemgine - Deyja is not satisfied with the GUI libraries for XNA that are available and since he's had past GUI development experience he's decided to work on his own and try something new in the process - an immediate mode GUI. He explains what's different from the more-common retained mode GUI, lays out some plans for his library and asks what you would want to be able to do with an immediate mode GUI and what don't you understand about the way they work?.

Check out the latest journals from ajmortell, Muzz5, nife87logo+%20bullet.png, boon.cotter, Matias Goldberg, Eyes Of The Forgotten, and chris_023!

From the Staff

  • The Code Zone Bargain Basement Blog - johnhattan wishes GDNet a happy 12th birfday! He celebrates by releasing the game documents to his latest project Dice-A-Rama. As usual, thar be jokes involved but it's always in good fun!
  • Gaiiden's Scroll - I had to post this today to squeeze it into the Weekend Reading here, but Sat is 10 years from the day I first got invited to be on the GameDev.net staff. I take a quick look back at the email I received and how it tied into several other key events in my early involvement with the games industry. I also give thanks for being able to be involved with this great site and community for the past 10 years (11 and change, if you count the time since I actually signed up an account!)
    Project Updates

    • Not dead... - phantom further expands on his earlier musings for a scripting language project, explaining why he has decided to dig deep and code things down to the lowest level possible to take full advantage of the speed this can unlock. He also shares his programming origins, so if you're not into scripting you can at least swing by and share your own story of how you got into programming. I did.
    • MeowMeow's Journal - MeowMeow throws together a rough flowchart of the game's story. Visual design FTW. I also like the minutes from the previous entry - don't forget to include links when appropriate. And it's okay - I like Comic Sans too.
    • How I quit my day job logo+%20bullet.png - check it out, Battagline has a new casual web game up to play - Word Mahjong! He also has a Chrome App version as well. I'm not a huge Scrabble fan, which I find surprising actually given how much I read and have always excelled at spelling, but it was fun diversion to play around with for a few minutes. Good job :)
    • Once a Bird - best of luck to Demosthenes and his team on their latest submission to DreamBuildPlay, the recently-revealed project Graveyard Shift. Check out the newest video in this entry
    • Pixel ? Tile ? World - Servant of the Lord shares some charts of AdventureFar's progress including a burn down for project milestones and a look at how much he has optimized the area loading code to provide seamless transitions. He's also uploaded some artwork to the GDNet Marketplace. Looking for some 2D assets? Check it out!
    • /* Why you crying? */ - JTippetts is breaking out his Goblinson Crusoe world into a novel entitled "Goblin Wizard" - check out the first pass of cover art
    • Journal of Lethargic Programmers - and now for something completely different, cameni makes an Outerra post with no pictures, no video - but audio as he links to a podcast he was recorded on talking about the tech behind the Outerra engine.
    • StarDust DevLog - KaRei talks about what he's done to make the stars in a given field of view appear to be closer or farther away rather than all of them being uniform dots filling the black void of space
    • Rendering Systems logo+%20bullet.png - RSI has halted development of Woody3D for the time being to focus on completing the latest ShaderMap version 2.0 and lists what's been done with the interface so far
      Game Dev Stuffs

      • New Old Things - Endurion continues to step towards completing a Commodore 64 game. His latest entry details adding behavior to game objects so you no longer have enemies that just sit around and look stupid.
      • D Bits logo+%20bullet.png - check out the latest D programming language musings from Aldacron. This entry he expands upon his previous post on operator overloading that features a property of D language called "mixins"
      • Keeping up with yesterday logo+%20bullet.png - a bit shy of featured entry material, nonetheless I do like the graphic a_insomniac has chosen to share that depicts the flow of a platform level. I'm a big fan myself of this type of visual design
      • Sheridan's adventures in random nonsense logo+%20bullet.png - you are absolutely right, Deranged - everyone does love a code counter. I was always a stats junkie when it came to how many lines of code, how many functions, how many lines of comments, etc my programs had in them. Please do share the program you are using!
      • Digitanks Development Journal - BSVino turned to Cesar Millan, the "Dog Whisperer" to help him learn how to handle his new puppy but instead found himself applying much of what he learned from Cesar's show to his life and game development as well. Check out what lessons bled through. I'm sure though that it all helped with the dog as well :)
      • IfThen Software LLC - InvisibleMan's various posts this past week include resources on set theory and a discussion on equivalence relations.
      • kseh's blog - kseh is back with two new mini reviews of Flash games he's played off addictinggames.com
      • The Bag of Holding - ApochPiQ has source code for the concept he described earlier in the week in his featured journal post on input handling systems
      • evolutional.co.uk - evolutional talks about the good, the bad and the ugly behind Continuous Integration, which is a practice that entails you always have a buildable project with every commit to the source repository.
        Other Stuffs

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On that note, here's the first ever Gamedev GDC coverage from 12 years ago. The pictures are somewhere I'm sure.


Not mentioned (NDA's have certainly expired), but the best moment was a colleague of mine from Expert software standing up during a "If you're not supporting 3D hardware you'll be out of business in two years" seminar asking how, if 3D hardware was taking over, why "Deer Hunter" was eating the collective lunches of the 3D shooter makers.

Fun times.
June 18, 2011 03:02 AM
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