Box ad famish strikes GDNet

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published April 21, 2010
You might have noticed a bit of a change to the front page today. We're unfortunately running a bit short on box ad space here on the site. What can we say? People want to throw money at us. Until V5 goes live and we vastly increase our capacity for ad boxes, we needed a way to accommodate advertisers who wanted some box ad space. Best solution we could find was to take over the Spotlight column box. Spotlight columns (new one coming soon featuring Dan Paladin!!) will now be published as regular Features, and although the News gets pushed down a bit more, it's nothing you already had to scroll to see anyways.

So, love it or hate it, we gots to stay in business right? Rest assured, I give you my personal guarantee that there will be no green goo dripping down your screen. Ever. Again. Or blue goo. Intel gets these ideas, you see.

Right. Moving on... oh hey Superpig blogged!!
Previous Entry Monthly Sitrep: March
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Eww, advermania
April 23, 2010 03:42 AM
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