Twitter Coverage Notes

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published November 11, 2009
Quick note on twitter conference/event coverage that'll take me a bit more than 140 characters to explain [smile]

In the past, we've always prefaced coverage of a session by tweeting something like "Mary Margaret Walker. How to get a job in the games industry" to introduce the speaker and the topic they will be covering. Subsequent tweets would just focus on interesting tidbits from that talk.

The problem with this approach, however, is two-fold - for one, someone coming late to the tweet stream will have to search back and find this tweet to help gain some perspective and for another, if we have more than one person tweeting more than one session... well things can get confusing fast.

The solution is simple - we will now be replying to ourselves, or more specifically to the speaker introduction tweet. So after announcing Mary Margaret, a later tweet on her talk would read "@gdevnet networking benefits us long term in ways we don't expect. approach by asking advice of them. #IGCW" This will then let people click on the "in reply to" link attached to the tweet to see what speaker/topic this tweet belongs to.

Of course, this takes our character count down by 9 (not counting the conference hash tag) and will ultimately be dropped if we need those extra characters, but it'll at least offer up some additional perspective on the meaning of various tweets popping up during the course of a conference/event.

And for those of you followers (if you're still following) who are annoyed by the stream of tweets, we really do wish twitter could let you filter out certain hash tags from your tweet stream. Hopefully that's a forthcoming feature (or available in some clients perhaps?). It appears tho that we seem to gain a decent number of followers during these tweeting events, so for now we're sticking with it.

Follow us on @gdevnet!
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I for one enjoy the conference tweets. If it's something I'm not interested in it's pretty easy to just skim read it or ignore it entirely.
November 11, 2009 04:41 PM
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