News Editorials
So this week saw our first News editorial article. Back when Emmanuel Deloget was still active as News Editor about 2 years ago, we discussed the inclusion of editorial-style features in the News section. Nothing ever came of it, though he had planned to write some eventually. Lew's article started out as a submission to Gamasutra, based off a Gama Expert Blog post by him. The folks over at Gama didn't want it though, so he passed it on to me. Pure happenstance brought this article to our doorstep, but if anyone else out there would like to make a similar contribution I'd be happy to receive it! Just send it on in to
I've also created a new category in the Resources section to store these pieces so they don't get shuffled into oblivion as the news queue trods on in the days that follow.
The GDNet Podcast
So a thread got started over in the Comments, Suggestions and Ideas forum about a GDNet podcast. This is something that we have been kicking around internally for nigh upon 4-5 years at this point, off and on. Rob Loach was one of the original staff members behind the idea, but we could never seem to get it off the ground. I always thought one of the main sticky point was content. What could we do that was different from other podcasts out there?
Well, to be honest I haven't done a whole lot of research into the matter, so if any of you listen to a game development style podcast, point me to it so I can check it out and see what's out there in terms of content.
I have one idea for it (inspired by switftcoder's response in the thread), which is to gather the 5 Daily editors together and comment on the hottest news items we covered from the past week. That could make a good segment, but I don't think it would carry a show on its own. Then again, the Daily's have been rather popular - maybe people could listen to us carry on for 30 minutes. Or so. I'm pretty sure the banter would be exceptional.
If you have any feedback related to this, please post it in the thread linked above, not here.
Intel contest bags packed
I have the Intel messenger bags all packed full of swag. I managed to stick 6 books in them, along with assorted t-shirts and other random swag. Each one has a pen as well and one lucky person will even get a GDNet pen (the black ink seems dry and the red is on its way out but - it's a GDNet pen!). I meant to swing by the post office today to see if the large padded envelopes they have would fit a bag in them - shipping them individually will be a pain in the ass, so if I don't get them all out the door tomorrow my apologies in advance to the 15 winners.
I'll be stuffing bags into envelopes/boxes at random - I've already forgotten which bag carries what - they look all the same to me! Tho I guess some weigh a bit heavier, heh.
Hopefully everyone gets something they like. If not you're always free to sell/trade it. It's yours now, after all!
Conferences aligned in 2010!
I don't know if people were listening to my LOGIN conference review/coverage (I'll just think that they were and feel good about it) but if you look at the Next Year section at the bottom of the first page, I griped about the fact that LOGIN and GDC Canada overlapped this year, preventing people from attending both. Given the proximity of the two (a little over 3 hours by bus) there's no reason why they shouldn't co-exist. Well, next year they do! Cynthia Freese over at Evergreen Events, the organizers of LOGIN, just announced the dates for the conference next year (see New Events, below) and GDC Canada bumps against the weekend before the start of LOGIN. I'm very excited to visit Vancouver next year for the first time (mainly because I want to ninja on to the Stargate sets over at The Bridge Studios). Seeing that GDC Canada released its 2010 dates well in advance of LOGIN, kudos to the Evergreen team for taking advantage of it!
Stay on top of V5 progress
Don't forget to be keeping an eye on Superpig's journal. He's updating as often as he is able and as much as I can poke him to do so.
Book reviews?
Oh yea, and if anyone actually pays attention to the publishing calendar at the top of my journal and is wondering where the book reviews are - yea that's my fault for forgetting to add the books in question to the library so that John could actually post his reviews. Hrm. That would help.
New Resources
- Game Art Creation and Reviewing Requirements - What should you keep in mind as an art contractor? How can you work best to satisfy clients with minimum revisions? The Outsourcing Manager of art studio Orange Graphics answers these questions and more with a checklist of things to keep in mind
- LOGIN @ Seattle, WA, United States - May 10, 2010 to May 13, 2010