Back to the islands

Published August 01, 2008
Getting back to the randomly generated island...

I had mentioned in a previous post that I was thinking about doing a Dragon Warrior-ish type of game, with a randomly generated world. You know, with an absurdly scaled player avatar wandering around a stylized world map with mountains and forests and whatnot. Today I've been working on mockups of what the worldmap might look like, and here is a quick sample of what I have in mind:

Of course, the mountains are a tad crudely done; I just displaced a few bump-mapped, textured heightmaps into image buffers and copy/pasted, but it gives the general idea. By creating sets of mountains for all the various mountain styles, and mapping them to billboarded quads, I can place mountains at randomly spaced intervals wherever on the world map it indicates they are needed. There is a tile pattern underlying it all, of course, but with small random offsets to mountain sprite placement the tile pattern is obscured.
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