Events Sitrep

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published May 21, 2008
So yesterday I was out of the house all day - sort of forgot about that on Monday. In fact, I didn't realize until well after that journal post how crazy busy this week is going to be. Last nite was an IGDA social event with my local chapter where we all got together at a bar and rocked out to Rock Band. It wasn't as loud and rambunctious as the Fuel Industries party back in February, but we still had a good time. I made some pretty crazy rocking out poses on the guitar so we'll see if they upload them to the site :P

Anywhoo, here's your newest events:
I suppose I'll post up my blog article tomorrow. If you have any events (get-togethers, conferences, contests, etc) that you don't see on our Events Calendar, contact me!
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