Why my chubby lazy ass needs to exercise

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published April 08, 2008
Okay, so I'm not technically what most people would call "chubby", but I certainly feel chubby. I'm nowhere near as active physically as I was 2-3 years ago, and it's finally slowly starting to manifest itself. Everyone still says I look in shape but I know the truth. I see myself naked in the shower.

Ok, so I really didn't need to go there.

Anyways, this all stems from a news.com article I came across from the MaximumPC.com daily brief today, about the blogger lifestyle and the unhealthy/deadly aspects of locking yourself to a desk for hours on end every day.

Obviously this isn't some mind-blowing revelation, of course you're going to become unfit and unhealthy just sitting at a desk all the time. Doing something about though isn't easy for everyone. Luckily I have my job coaching gymnastics that still keeps me (somewhat) limber and active at least two hours each day, but I don't have a lot of fat kids to lift around (a few, not a lot) so I wouldn't call it strenuously physical activity.

Lately I've been trying hard to stick to the schedule of at least an hour on Monday and Wednesday of gymnastics/martial arts training at my gym (yey key to the front door) along with an hour or two of indoor rock climbing on Friday. Tuesdays I just bang out some calisthenics at home. I've been pretty off and on since I started mid-March, hopefully I'll settle into the routine soon.

Of course, I'm thinking more and more that I'm developing a sleeping disorder as well, although I try to also keep a 5am-11am sleep schedule. Yeah, that's not working out so well either.

Oh and the article comments about people's jobs being within easy reach - yea I talked about that earlier and it's so horribly true.

Still... in the end... it's hard to deny that working in your PJs is awesome.
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