iPod Touch Adventures
Well I've spent the last two days pimping out my iTouch. Upgraded to the new 1.1.3 firmware, jailbroken of course. I had a bit of trouble on the initial downgrade and upgrade to 1.1.1 and then 1.1.2 and had to redo the process once but I made it to jailbroken 1.1.2 and from there did the automatic update from iPodTouchMaster to jailbroken 1.1.3. Sweet heaven.
Next I had trouble installing more than a couple of applications, and I thought my iTouch was bricked due to 1.1.3 incompatibilities. Turns out it's just the system partition using up too much space so I searched online and found an SSH method to copy my applications folder to the user partition and 7+ gigs of free space. No more problems.
Right now I'm doing battle with Mail - I just got it to play nice with my GI, GDNet and BES POP3 accounts. It was a bitch and a half to set up and get working, all these errors about no SSL connections and bad certificates and wtf? Then once I was finally receiving mail, I had to fiddle around some more to get the settings right to send mail - and what's up with the Trash folder not having an "empty" option? Oh well, minor gripe.
Oh and I found a Labyrinth game. I loved Labyrinth as a kid - although I will admit I nearly destroyed several mazes in frustration, it was always fun.
An Evening with Will Wright
While some people would see it as the height of audacity, to hold a special session separate from GDC for yourself about yourself, you can't argue that Will Wright doesn't deserve it. Or even that he requires it. I can only imagine how long it takes him to walk from one side of the conference building to the other since he has to say hello and shake hands with like, everyone. Well okay, maybe it's not that bad but still.
Anyways in lieu of a keynote or GDC lecture this year he's hosting a special party where he will speak on matters no doubt integral to the fabric of the universe (err... game industry). I've received an email to this "exclusive and invite only event from Electronic Arts" (as quoted from the email). Now, assuming they didn't just blast the entire press corps with this email, I would feel special. But is not safe to assume, so I merely feel fortunate.
Assuming I make it to the event (its attendees will be selected by ballot, whatever that means, tho I assume it refers to an individual selection process) I suppose then I will feel somewhat special, and it seems the RSVP form has a text box for a question to ask Will Wright. Hrm? What should I ask? Ah, why don't I just ask you?
Audio content on its way!
Check out the publishing calendar above, move forward to March and feast your eyes on a two-part series from Soma Tone's Managing Partner. I can't even remember the last time we featured any sort of audio content - can you? I probably wasn't even paying attention. Well hopefully this will start attracting more of a musical crowd, I know Soma Tone will be pointing a lot people our way themselves. And yes, these articles do take into account some of the topics discussed in this thread.
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