Vacation = 1, Drew = 0

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published January 11, 2008
Well it took me until day 4 of vacation to finally veg out and stop working beyond checking emails and forums and websites to keep up to date on events, but it happened. My family drug me off to Aruba and I was determined to keep working because I hate taking time off this time of year but the simple fact of being down here and only remote connecting to my desktop slowly wore down my defenses until I was finally a lazy bum in paradise. I had a good time tho - finally learning how to kite surf and going on a snorkel cruise. I like snorkeling. The rest of the time I spent on the computer or catching up on my reading. I blasted through three novels, two small comics and a regular TPB comic - all Star Wars of course [smile].

Anyways I fly back home tomorrow and then it's back to the good old grind on Monday.

Oh, and ApochPiQ made another one of his very helpful journal posts - Random advice for working on team development projects. So if you haven't caught it yet I suggest you do so now.

Have a great weekend.
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