
posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published December 26, 2007
Well, it was a good haul this xmas. I figured I'd make my family fend for themselves this year - my xmas list consisted of one item and a few stores where I wanted gift cards. Ironically, that one item is the only thing I didn't get on xmas morning... because apparently is still needs to be shipped [smile]

Here's my first haul of the day, from my immediate family (Mom, Dad and 2 sisters). We open gifts and stockings in the morning. We have here:
  • K'nex set - I love K'nex (and Legos) and I haven't had anything to build since I was like 14 so this was a pleasant surprise :)
  • Seaweed - sounds gross but is soooo yummy, you should try some
  • Burger King card - gotta love the King
  • Signspotting 2 - book with crazy stupid funny signs like from Thailand: "Anyone. Caught. Shoplifter will be shot 100 times the value of stolen item(s)" - awesome
  • Black cargo pants - they're all I wear. Seriously
  • Underwear - I can't seem to go a Christmas without underwear *sigh* thanks Mom :P
  • Star Wars Vault - huge book with tons of inserted Star Wars collectible items by Star wars Collector God, Steve Sansweet
  • Orange Crush and 7-up Jelly Bellys - mmmmmm candy
  • Magellan Maestro 4040 GPS - this was a surprise indeed! With bluetooth so I can hook it up to my phone. Fits perfectly into the empty navigation display area in my dash too!
  • Laundry bag - if I had gone to college this would have been useful
  • Legend of Zelda t-shirt - yea baby, and just as my Legend of Time t-shirt was starting to get worn out
  • Best Buy and Borders gift cards - can't go wrong with gift cards
In the afternoon the rest of the family comes over to our place for more gift giving goodness:

  • Lennox ornament - all the cousins get one every year
  • Crank-powered LED flashlight - I'll keep it in my car for emergencies
  • Gillette Fusion electric razor - smooth shave
  • WalMart gift card - I can spend hours in WalMart
  • Origami candy box - my grandmother is Japanese and she gives all the cousins $100 each xmas in various ways. This is what she did this year
  • Best Buy gift card - I have enough to buy a new Radeon HD 3850, yes it is tempting
  • Visa gift cards - more moolah to spend as I wish

What a haul this year. I still haven't had time to play around with my GPS unit hooked up to my computer, tho I have taken it out driving with me even if I don't need it just cause it's so cool, hahaha.

Was looking around Journal Land here and other people got some cool gifts as well. Good stuff.
Previous Entry Happy Holidays
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lol @ the 2 dudes in underwear in the 1st pic
December 27, 2007 01:12 AM
I hear Santa uses a GPS navigator very similar to yours. I'm looking for a new one at the moment, my Navman pocket PC sleeve is getting old. It's amazing how much I've come to depend on GPS voices telling me what to do. They do make long trips more relaxing. Had to set the voice to female... I didn't like being told what to do by another guy. [smile]
December 27, 2007 02:28 PM
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