
posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published November 20, 2007
Well I did battle some more with 5 more people tonight. My one challenge came from Londondobbs. I managed to play against him twice, not in a row tho. Both times it took us 3 songs (I always play best 2 outta 3) to determine the victor, we each got to choose the third song once and both times I had to steal back the win with some determined playing and strategic use of Star Power. Closest I've come to losing yet. If I face Jammamamma again I dunno if I'll be as fortunate either. They're the two players currently at the top of my "oh sh*t" list, although there are plenty of other people ranked higher than me on the individual song scoreboards, but prob not all of them like to play online. Anyways I was tempted to continue but my fret hand was getting tired so I quit and worked on some individual score rankings. Got 9th overall in Anarchy in the UK.

Man don't you hate it when games take over your life? I suppose I could have done something productive tonight, like program or something... oh well either way I feel accomplished so I guess that works eh?

I haven't had any challenges yet from any GDnet folk. C'mon we'll play co-op if you don't wanna go head to head. Remember, I'm overconfident and poised to lose! In fact I almost did just that today against Londondobbs. I had won the first and was winning the second song the first time we matched and the song ended... but not really, the music just took a long pause. But I had already thrown my hands up in victory when, to my horror, more notes began scrolling down the screen and I lost ground trying to replace my fingers on my home fret keys and ended up losing the song.

Yea, and then I did it again in the same song when it paused a second time. That almost sucked.

Really tho, I'm just tracking my record for my own enjoyment - there's no win-loss stats tracked online for the PC version. Oh well.

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