I finally sat down and completed my IGC coverage, which amassed 8 pages in Word and took me the better part of 5 hours to write up, referencing my notes and researching online and all that wonderful stuff. But hey, if you missed out then you can at least get filled in on what you happened to miss so head over and check it out! Did I mention it took me 5 hours?
I had hoped to bring even greater coverage by including embedded video of all the lectures/keynotes and the round tables that I didn't attend, but it seems GG isn't up for the idea because they don't have any clips online for me to embed so, that kinda stinks. However my inside source says that they may re-broadcast the recordings at some point and hold a live Q&A with GG developers. I'll keep you all posted on that.
Turns out GG wasn't interested in my games for InstantAction after all, so that kinda made my week more bearable surprisingly since I didn't have to crunch to get any updated demos out. Of course it sucks that I've failed yet again to secure a release for GC and BB, but if at first (second or third) you don't suceed - try, try and try again. I hope to start soon on my next concept and to that end I've been playing lots of World in Conflict. I realized a few days ago that World in Conflict is actually the exact opposite of a game I started designing two years ago. In WiC you order up troops to be airlifted into the battle zone. When those troops arrive you control them on the map. In my game, you actually airlift troops to areas of the map and drop them off, but don't actually control their movements on the ground. Neither WiC or my game involves resource gathering either. And controlling key areas of the map are similar in both WiC and my game as well. Interesting....
Oh and if you haven't noticed, the publishing schedule has changed. We now have three articles being pumped out per week. Unless our lead time grows close to two months, I really don't want to change this schedule as I think it's a nice pace for articles. if I have to start doubling up, I would do so on Wed, then Monday and finally Friday if I really had to.
Well I still have all five games to judge for the GI competition, but that will have to wait until tomorrow, because I'm wiped out. I think I can sneak in a WiC mission before bed. Catch you all later.
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