I was in New York City attending the sixth bi-annual Demo Night. For those that missed out, I'll have my coverage up next week (check the schedule) - if you wanna check out previous Demo Nights, I have the last one covered here. The coverage appearing next week will be in much the same format thanks to Heavy Melody's video support.
Being able to see a bunch of cool games being developed only added further fuel to my fire in wanting to work on some games again. However at this point, GI, GDNet and coaching are just taking up too much of my time. It's a hard fact in life but sometimes you just have to go where the money is. I wasn't able to start turning a profit off my games before GI, GDNet and coaching started coming into their own and offering me some income. Staring in Sept I'll be coaching roughly 23.5 hrs/wk, GDNet takes up at least 10 hr/wk, GI is rather fluctuating but usually takes up at least 5-6 hr/wk - that puts me around the normal 40 hr/wk. So fitting in game development is pretty tough, especially when I'd like to kick back and spend time with friends, family and games - among other stuff.
It's not an excuse, but it's certainly the way things are at the present. Sux, because I really want to finish Blitx Blox and galaxy Conquest so I can start working on my third concept, Drop Zone. At this point, I'm thinking about just releasing BB and GC for free and asking for donations, because I'm really scared about the customer support issues that would arise with putting my games out there for purchase. The problem is that these two titles aren't entirely my games. I have the artist, musician and designer to consider in this decision as well. But hey, if they're willing to help me handle support issues I guess I'd be up for it. We'll see.
Anyways in other news, I'm looking to attend IGC out in Eugene, OR this coming October, as well as the VideoGamesExpo being held nearby me in Philly, PA. Both events are listed on the calendar so check them out. I've gotten some pretty good responses to my AGDC call for help so if this works out okay I'll definetly be looking for some support out in Eugene - possibly Philly.
Oh and stay tuned for some article additions to the Resources library.
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