Hey everyone. I haven't updated the blog much recently, because it gets kind of tedious after a while to post about little itty bitty stuff that really has no meaning when spoken about all on its own. Better to wait till I have lotsa stuff to say and then get it done all at once. At least that's how I feel. If anyone out there was getting nervous at my long silence then I apologize. Hopefully there aren't any more of you out there who think the site is dying [wink]
So what's new? Well I guess first of all, I added a new book from Charles River Media to the library today:
Awesome Game Creation: No Programming Required, Third Edition
Obviously I could spend alllll day adding books to the library, but I don't want to just add any books, I would like to add books that you guys are reading and using. So if you have a favorite (or lots of favorites) game dev book, try searching through the library and if you can't find it, let me know its title or ISBN and I'll add it!
Next thing of note is that John and I just reworked the publishing schedule from now through the first half of September. The "Special Event Week" is actually an unofficial Adobe Week, where we'll be posting reviews of Adobe products each day of the week. We tried to get Adobe onboard for an official run, but they didn't seem to get our emails. Or something. Hopefully they'll pick up on it as it progresses and we'll be able to arrange something another time. John still has some reviews to post up for Sept, we'll get that updated soon.
Speaking of publishing - Tom Buscaglia, The Game Attorney, sent me a bunch of articles that he updated for us, and I've formatted and posted them all online. One of them was a Featured Article last week:
A Case for Flexible Milestone Deliverables
Audit Rights - Use Em or Lose Em!
Contract Mumbo Jumbo
Everybody Conga! Well maybe not everybody...
Hey, that's not the deal we talked about!
To Sue or Not to Sue...That is the Question!
Let's see... what else? Oh yes, Emmanuel Deloget and his news team have been working hard to try and improve our news feed for you all. News has never been a strong suit for us, we've mainly relied on people submitting stories rather than searching for them ourselves. But with Emmanuel and his team hopefully we can start creating some original news stories to feature on the site. Lend your thoughts by commenting his blog and participating in this week's poll.
I think I had one more thing... oh yea! I won't be able to make it out to Austin for the Austin GDC, so I'm going to be looking for capable people who would be interested in covering the conference for us. Our review guru John Hattan will be in attendance as well, and will be managing anyone who attends for us. You will receive a press badge and have free reign of the conference, in return you must write a report on all the sessions that you plan on attending. Pictures are nice too, but not required. If you're interested, contact me via email or PM. I'll be posting an announcement on the forums soon, but my dedicated readers have first dibs [smile]
Well that was fun, I believe we're all up to date for a while. See you in a week or two when I have more cool stuff to report on. Maybe sooner. Who knows?
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