Just chilling

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published March 06, 2007
Well, not completely. I went to attend Jim Charne's tutorial today on deal-making for indie studios. It was a bit above the level I was hoping for, however. I thought it would be, but it was still hard to figure out from reading the description. So now I'm sitting at a table next to Kris Schalcter working on the promo video for GDNet's booth monitor. Have to add some pan and zoom effects to the still images and re-time the video so that the shots are a bit longer as well. Nothing hard, just tedious. And my battery is running out. Blast.

So I'm prob going to hop into the Indie Games Summit later this afternoon and catch two lectures, one by Russ Carroll on indie games marketing, and the next one after is from Matt Wegner (Flashbang Studios) on physics in indie games. So that should be cool.

Righty then, back to work. I'm going to try and post some images again too - Michalson should have fixed the problem. Yey Michalson!
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