Ups and Downs,,,

posted in Gaiiden's Scroll
Published November 21, 2006
So this time everything went pretty much as planned - I got up early, got to the bank and was immediately able to sit down with Damon, my loan officer, and start the closing process. Since my dad needed to co-sign the loan and he's always busy at work, we had to transfer the papers over to the branch located in his at&t building (luckily). Unfortunately the lady who would be handling the process on that end couldn't do it until 2pm, so I had to call Dan up and tell him I would drop the check off later tonight and then register the vehicle tomorrow, drive down and pick it up in the morning. So I got the check at 2, and my Dad gave me quick tour of the at&t building and his office, which was cool since last time I was in that building I was like... I dunno... 12? Now I have to go deliver the check and get up even earlier tomorrow to get to the DMV at 8 when it opens to handle all that then be at Dan's house before 10:30 because he has business to attend to later. But it shouldn't be a problem.

I started reformatting the desktop. Going good, tho I already got tripped up once. Geez. Somone's out to get me I swear. I installed the motherboard chipset inf update files and when I rebooted windows reported a corrupt system file, so I had to use the Repair function off the setup disc to fix it. And now it's telling my my activation is no longer functional (this was my third activation). But I've never had a problem calling the phone number and getting the activation number, so I'll just do that tomorrow.

Back on the upside, my Hauppage tv tuner card arrived today and is all hooked up ready to go, just have to get around to installing the drivers for it and all that. Wheeee

K, have a check to deliver!
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You know what sucks about your new 350Z?
I'm jealous and want it! I love that car :)
November 21, 2006 10:01 PM
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